Catalogs EBooks
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SharePoint: Organizations are surrounded by islands of data locked into different systems and databases. Microsoft introduced Business Data Catalog (BDC) with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server to help cope with the “Islands of Data” problem. Using BDC, you can bring data from many sources into one place: SharePoint. That data can then be made available for users to view on the intranet, extranet, or internet.SharePoint 2007 Developer’s Guide to Business Data Catalog is a practical, example-rich guide to the features of the BDC and the techniques you need to build solutions for end users. This book starts with the basics-what the BDC is, what you can do with it, and how to pull together a simple BDC solution. With the fundamentals in hand, you start exploring the techniques and ideas to put BDC into use in your organization. Date Added: 3/18/2011 3:41:50 AM | Visits: 34664 |
The Service Catalog: The Service Catalog means many different things to many different people. However most would agree that a catalog that helps customers and users to quickly identify the services they require clearly adds value. In turn this helps organizations identify key services that support business processes, understand the contribution made by those services and manage them appropriately. This well-constructed book provides practical advice and information that will help organizations to understand how to design and develop a service catalog and to understand the role that the service catalog performs within the service portfolio. Readers will gain practical information and knowledge that will help with: understanding the full concept of the service catalog ; understanding the scope of the service catalog; building an appropriate service catalog for your organization; identifying the true value that the service catalog can deliver to your organization; understanding services and the value that they provide to your organization and customers; managing the service catalog In addition, a complete service catalog schematic is provided and the service portfolio pyramid, which is unique to this book, is introduced showing how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together. Widely researched and reviewed by some of the world s leading experts, this book provides a down-to-earth and practical resource for not only those who are developing Service Catalogs for the first time but also for those looking to refine their services according to agreed and established best practice concepts.
Date Added: 3/18/2011 3:38:42 AM | Visits: 33741 |
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