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Writing Bug-Free C Code

EBook NameWriting Bug-Free C Code
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EBook Category Category: C and C++

EBook Description: This book describes an alternate class methodology that provides complete data hiding and fault-tolerant run-time type checking of objects in C programs. With it, you will produce code that contains fewer bugs. The class methodology helps to prevent bugs by making it easier to write C code. It does this by eliminating data structures (class declarations) from include files, which makes a project easier to understand (because there is not as much global information), which makes it easier to write C code, which helps to eliminate bugs. This class methodology, which uses private class declarations, is different from C++, which uses public class declarations. The class methodology helps detect bugs by providing for both compile-time and run-time type checking of pointers (handles) to class objects. This run-time type checking catches a lot of bugs for you since invalid object handles (the cause of a lot of bugs) are automatically detected and reported. We have all, at some point in our programming careers, spent several hours or days tracking down a particularly obscure bug in our code. Have you ever stepped back and wondered how following a different programming methodology might have prevented such a bug from occurring or have automatically detected it? Or have you tracked down the same type of bug several times?

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Numerical Recipes in C

Thanks to special permission from Cambridge University Press, we are able to bring you the complete Numerical Recipes in C book On-Line! To utilize this resource, you will need an Adobe Acrobat viewer linked as a helper program to your web browser. Permission is granted by the copyright owners for users of this resource to make one paper copy of these Acrobat files for their own personal use. Further reproduction, or the extraction of, or copying of, machine readable files to any server computer, is strictly prohibited. This on-line resource is not intended as a substitute for purchasing the book, or for obtaining a license for the use of Numerical Recipes source code.

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