In Silence With God |
In Silence With God
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Added On: 19-Aug-2008
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Category: Religion
EBook Description: Catholic. IntroductionThe very title of this book is a challenge. Has there ever been an age more loquacious than ours, one more extroverted, one more concerned with the surface of things? Facing the issue squarely, this book deals with silence, with that inner silence of the soul which the Psalmist has in mind where he says that we should 'listen to what the Lord God will say' (Ps 84: 9).The inner life is the theme of this book. It deals with its very essence. Archabbot Benedict Baur shows the way to his readers on the strength of a life-long experience. As the head of one of the most renowned Benedictine communities of Europe, as an ascetic writer, scholar, and educator, and particularly as a retreat master, he has long won an international following. There could be no safer guide for those who wish to penetrate more deeply into the mysteries of divine revelation, so as to master the confusion of a progress-mad civilization.
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