Project Initiate
The Awakening of the Spirit.
Wanda Castillo
The Awakening of the Spirit
What is a Druid?
A reporter asked me to comment for a story he was working on asked me for an one-sentence definition of a Druid. Knowing fully well that such definitions are the sort of thing that divides and conquers celtic pagan communities, I ventured one anyway. Here's what I told him.
Asatru Nine Noble Virtues & Six Fold Goal
Nine Noble Virtues - Authored by Dirk Schmitt in Introduction to Asatru Article - adapted from those to be found in many locations, as is evidenced by all the differing versions that follow it. The Six Fold Goal that follows it is the accompanying why of the NNV.
2007 Revised Common Lectionary
The 2007 Revised Common Lectionary, giving the weekly bible readings.
Info re Jewish/Christian Bibles, Sec 6
The purpose of this article is to present how the religion of ISLAM fits within the overall religious situation, upon this earth, whichthe previous articles have been addressing.
Suara Dari Surga (Cerita Tentang Lazarus)
Menjabarkan pesan Tuhan lewat cerita Lazarus yang miskin dan temannya yang kaya.
Jodoh Sesuai Firman Tuhan
Pandangan Alkitab tentang mencari pasangan hidup atau bisa orang sebut dengan mencari jodoh.
Deus Caritas Est
'God Is Love' - Encyclical Letter on Authentic Christian Love
The Imitation of Christ
from the Foreword: IN PREPARING this edition of The Imitation of Christ, the aim was to achieve a simple, readable text which would ring true to those who are already lovers of this incomparable book and would attract others to it. For this reason we have attempted to render the text into English as it is spoken today rather than the cloudy, archaic terminology that encumbers so many translations of Christian classics.This Work although done in 1940s has been placed in Public Domain.
Holy Bible-RSV Edition - Free eBook Holy Bible-RSV Edition - Download ebook Holy Bible-RSV Edition free