The One True God
Do we worship the one true God, or haven't we shifted our focus on other idols?
Approach the Throne of Grace
How to approach Grace, is it sufficient, is it for me, such a sinner?
The Great Controversy
A classic tale of good versus evil between Michael and Lucifer, and the impact of the controversy on world history
The Vast Love of God
How vast the love of God is, How deep, How wide, what do we really believe about the Love of God...what is Love?
How to suceed with people
How to suceed with people
Seven M of Missionary service
Seven M of Missionary service
Nuestro Pan Diario-Jun-2006
Nuestro Pan Diario-Jun-2006
Dr. Albert Mohler Commentaries for August 22, 24 and 26, 2005
Commentaries over current issues from an evangelical viewpoint. In this one: 'A Response to 'The Da Vinci Code': What's the Attraction?', 'Humans in the Zoo--A Perfect Parable of Confusion' and 'Two Rival Religions?'
Global Prayer Digest - May 2006
The Global Prayer Digest is a unique devotional booklet for Christians. Each day it gives a glimpse of what God is doing around the world, and what still remains to be done. It contains condensed missionary stories, biblical challenges, urgent reports, and exciting descriptions of unreached peoples to provide a digest of rich fuel for your own times of prayer for the world. There is also a devotional on a bible passage with a missions focus.You can subscribe to the email or printed copy of this devotional booklet from converted this into Plucker format so that I can read this on my PDA whenever I have free time while waiting for someone or something.This is the May 2006 edition of the prayer digest.
Psalm 38
A Psalm to keep in Mind
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