Why I Am Not A Christian
Famous lecture delivered by Russell on March 6, 1927 to the South London Branch of the National Secular Society.
The Knowledge of the Holy
This is a book about the doctrine, character and attributes of the Christian God, set in a devotional manner. Written by A. W. Tozer, the same author of the popular book, 'The Pursuit of God'.
The Satanic Bible (part 1)
The Satanic bible
Deus Carita Est
First Encyclical Letter Dated 25th of December, 2005 but released 25th of January 2006
Nuestro Pan Diario-Ene-2006
Nuestro Pan Diario-Ene-2006
Santoral catal
Santoral catala en format ASCII. Per importar amb Happydays.
The Kneeling Christian
By an Unknown Christian, a classic on the prayer life.
The Soverignty of God
The Soverignty of God
Beyond Belief: A Buddhist Critique of Fundamentalist Christianity
From the preface: 'The purpose of this book is threefold. Firstly it aims to critically examine the fundamentalist approach to Christianity and thereby highlight its logical, philosophical and ethical problems. . . . The second aim of this book is to help any Christians who might read it to understand why some people are not, and never will be, Christians. . . . The third aim of this book is to awaken in Buddhists a deeper appreciation for their own religion. . . .'
Within The Temple Of Isis
Within The Temple Of Isis
The Catholic Controversy - Free eBook The Catholic Controversy - Download ebook The Catholic Controversy free