Pengakuan Iman Westminster
Westminster Confession of Faith (Indonesian)
The History of the Origins of Christianity
Book ILife of Jesus.
The Ancient Church
The Ancient Church. Its History, Doctrine, Worship and Constitution
The 7s of Mathew
Numeralology of 7 in the Book of Mathew - Interestin and thought provoking
The Ministry of Healing
A. J. Gordon's classic book in which he surveys church history and documents the fact that divine healing through supernatural means in the name of Christ has never completely vanished from the Christian church, even though people at his time had become skeptical and said that miraculous healings were confined to the age of the apostles.
No And Yes
No And Yes
Modesty of Dress
Photos of Christians Throught the Centuries. Modest Dress was alway a religous practice until Modern Materialism Changes in Culture has made us believe dress does not matter 1 Cor 11:3 -
How to Harmonize James and Luke
Martin Luter taught that Romains was the most import book in the Bible and James was an epistle of straw. Either we belive that some books of the Bible are more important or we have to seriously look at our interpitation of Salvation... This is a must read and it is recommended you aquire the 2-CDs from Scroll Publishing.
October 2005 General Conference
175th Semiannual General Conference, October 2005
Translations and Greek Text
Texual Criticism study. Of the many translations of the Bible how can we know which one to use. This study show us the form of the Bible, the text which was used and shy.
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