Active Server Pages 3.0 From Scratch (Jesse Liberty's from Scratch Programming Series) |
Active Server Pages 3.0 From Scratch (Jesse Liberty's from Scratch Programming Series)
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Added On: 30-Jun-2006
Download Active Server Pages 3.0 From Scratch (Jesse Liberty's from Scratch Programming Series)
Category: ASP .Net
EBook Description: Book Description
In Active Server Pages 3.0 From Scratch, Nicholas Chase takes novice Web programmers through the process of planning, designing, and building a Web site using Active Server Pages. You will create an online magazine that has news, interviews, and archives, a small memorabilia store, person-to-person auctions, and personalized start pages. Topics include planning and designing a Web site, VBScript, connecting to databases, HTML forms, personalizing the user experience using cookies, building an auction system, and building an electronic storefront.
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Sams Teach Yourself Active Server Pages in 24 Hours
Book Description
Sams Teach Yourself Active Server Pages in 24 Hours is a step-by-step tutorial that teaches you how to create dynamic, fully functioning Web applications using Active Server Pages. Detailed coverage is provided for both Microsoft Personal Web Server and Microsoft Internet Information Server. Shows how to make sure your Web server is up and running correctly as well as how to build basic ASP applications. In addition to coverage of the basics of data access, you'll learn to send data, retrieve information, manage user sessions, use components, and work with files. Advanced topics include debugging ASP applications, building components, designing effective sites, adding security, and tuning ASP applications.
ASP in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition
The second edition of ASP in a Nutshell gives developers of Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) a quick reference guide for looking up object usage on a dime. This guide is geared toward working ASP programmers who need to get their answers quickly, without wading through long examples.
ASP Programming for the Absolute Beginner (For the Absolute Beginner)
If you are new to programming, want to learn, and want to have fun while you're at it, then this is the book for you. Teaching the major principles of programming in ASP with game programming examples, this user-friendly book is a truly unique learning tool. As you learn to program simple games with ASP, you will acquire the programming skills that you need for more serious applications and will learn how these skills can be put to use in real world scenarios.
Beginning ASP 3.0
Whether you're completely new to programming, or you have some experience with other languages and you�re looking to pick up ASP for the first time, Beginning ASP 3.0 will give you a good introduction to the essentials. With a friendly and supportive tone, the introductory chapters of the book walk you through the basics of the VBScript language, which is most often used to write ASP scripts. Unfortunately, while these were some of the most approachable chapters in the book, I found that, in places, they were also the weakest, technically speaking. Certain sections are unnecessarily confusing (notably the early section on variants, for which I had to seek a more cogent description in the online documentation); meanwhile, others contained some fairly basic inaccuracies (e.g. the list of arithmetic operators on p.140 incorrectly identifies the integer division operator (\) as an alternate form of the modulus operator (MOD)).
ASP 3.0 Programmer's Reference
have to admit that the unhelpful reference materials that made up the last quarter of Beginning ASP 3.0 left me with the distinct impression that the best place to go for a good ASP reference was the online documentation that accompanies ASP itself. Professional ASP 3.0 did little to change that opinion, as its reference section was all but nonexistent. As soon as I looked at WROX's ASP 3.0 Programmer's Reference, the reason for this apparent omission became clear.
Introducing Microsoft� ASP.NET 2.0
Get an expert, developer-focused introduction to the next big innovation in ASP.NET Web programming. Programming authority Dino Esposito takes you inside the ASP.NET 2.0 technology, explaining how its updated, more powerful infrastructure allows you to create rich and dynamic Web applications quickly and with less code. Esposito examines how developer best practices with ASP.NET 1.x and classic ASP helped drive the architectural changes in ASP.NET 2.0, and he offers prerelease insights into its final architecture. With concise concept and feature explanations and more than 70 fully functional examples, this comprehensive introduction gives you everything you need to dig into ASP.NET 2.0 right now.
ASP.NET 2.0 Beta Preview
The Microsoft Book Club is proud to present ASP.NET 2.0 Beta Preview live with author Bill Evjen. This webcast event is comprised of an author interview followed by a presentation and question and answer session pertaining to the topics of the book.
ASP.NET 2.0 Beta Preview is timed to coincide with the first widespread beta release of Microsoft ASP.NET 'Whidbey', the new version of Microsoft's popular technology for creating dynamic Web sites. The book gets developers up to speed with the new features and capabilities that ASP.NET 2.0 provides. ASP.NET 2.0 Beta Preview focuses on both Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# developers. Examples throughout the book are provided in both languages.
Presenter: Bill Evjen, with John Alexander and Jeff Julian, .NET Book Club
Instant ASP Scripts
Active Server Pages (ASP) technology represents, in most cases, the best server-side scripting choice for intranets, extranets, and public Web sites served by Windows NT and Internet Information Server (IIS). Instant ASP Scripts provides network administrators with a crash course in ASP work along with a considerable library of ready-to-use scripts.
An initial ASP tutorial explains the basics of the language, but the really interesting educational material accompanies the scripts in the library. With each program, the author comments on whatever interesting tricks he's used, excerpting the code as needed. The book touches on pretty much everything ASP can do (including its considerable power to interact with databases).
The library includes a script that runs a suggestion box, another that runs a vote counter, one that files requests for purchase orders, and a whole bunch of calculators. You'll also find scripts for rotating banner ads, a script that walks the surfer through a troubleshooting tree, and a script that tracks vacation time. Rather than pad his book with gee-whiz scripts having little practical value, Greg Buczek has built a collection of scripts that are useful just as they are and can be modified to fit other situations. (All the code appears on the companion CD-ROM.) --David Wall
Beginning ASP Database
This book explains the theory and practice of using ADO with ASP / Authors: John Kauffman, David Buser, Thearon Willis, Kevin Spencer / Format: Paperback, 800pp. / Publisher: Wrox Press, Inc. / Pub. Date: June 1999
Beginning Active Server Pages 3.0
Filling an important spot in the Wrox Programmer to Programmer series, Beginning Active Server Pages 3.0 is an introduction to the new version of ASP released for the Windows 2000 platform. This guide expects no previous ASP knowledge or even previous Web development experience.
Active Server Pages 3.0 From Scratch (Jesse Liberty's from Scratch Programming Series) - Free eBook Active Server Pages 3.0 From Scratch (Jesse Liberty's from Scratch Programming Series) - Download ebook Active Server Pages 3.0 From Scratch (Jesse Liberty's from Scratch Programming Series) free