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ASP in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition

EBook NameASP in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition
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EBook Category Category: ASP .Net

EBook Description: The second edition of ASP in a Nutshell gives developers of Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) a quick reference guide for looking up object usage on a dime. This guide is geared toward working ASP programmers who need to get their answers quickly, without wading through long examples.

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ASP 3.0 Programmer's Reference

have to admit that the unhelpful reference materials that made up the last quarter of Beginning ASP 3.0 left me with the distinct impression that the best place to go for a good ASP reference was the online documentation that accompanies ASP itself. Professional ASP 3.0 did little to change that opinion, as its reference section was all but nonexistent. As soon as I looked at WROX's ASP 3.0 Programmer's Reference, the reason for this apparent omission became clear.

Introducing Microsoft� ASP.NET 2.0

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Beginning ASP Database

This book explains the theory and practice of using ADO with ASP / Authors: John Kauffman, David Buser, Thearon Willis, Kevin Spencer / Format: Paperback, 800pp. / Publisher: Wrox Press, Inc. / Pub. Date: June 1999

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A Preview of Active Server Pages+

Book Description Microsoft's Active Server Pages technology is still a relatively new way to create dynamic Web sites and Web-based distributed applications. However, during its short life span, it has evolved to become the foremost tool in the Windows-oriented Web programmer's toolbox. This is probably due to the ease with which complex pages and applications can be created, combined with the ability to use home-grown custom components, and existing Microsoft and 3rd party commercial components, through the Component Object Model (COM/COM+) architecture. Microsoft is currently working on the next generation of ASP, provisionally called ASP+. While it still supports existing ASP pages and applications, ASP+ is actually a complete rewrite of the existing versions. It changes the way that you need to think about ASP and your Web-based applications and Web sites. 'A Preview of ASP+' is the first book to outline the changes and the new ways that you can use ASP in your applications.

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