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Building a Web Site with Ajax: Visual Quick Project Guide

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EBook Category Category: AJAX

EBook Description: Ajax is at the heart of the Web 2.0 revolution. It isn't a technology but, rather, is a technique that leverages other technologies and techniques, such as CSS, XML, DHTML, and XHTML.

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Ajax Security

More and more Web sites are being rewritten as Ajax applications; even traditional desktop software is rapidly moving to the Web via Ajax. But, all too often, this transition is being made with reckless disregard for security. If Ajax applications aren�t designed and coded properly, they can be susceptible to far more dangerous security vulnerabilities than conventional Web or desktop software. Ajax developers desperately need guidance on securing their applications: knowledge that�s been virtually impossible to find, until now.
Ajax Security systematically debunks today�s most dangerous myths about Ajax security, illustrating key points with detailed case studies of actual exploited Ajax vulnerabilities, ranging from MySpace�s Samy worm to MacWorld�s conference code validator. Even more important, it delivers specific, up-to-the-minute recommendations for securing Ajax applications in each major Web programming language and environment, including .NET, Java, PHP, and even Ruby on Rails. You�ll learn how to:

� Mitigate unique risks associated with Ajax, including overly granular Web services, application control flow tampering, and manipulation of program logic
� Write new Ajax code more safely�and identify and fix flaws in existing code
� Prevent emerging Ajax-specific attacks, including javascript hijacking and persistent storage theft
� Avoid attacks based on XSS and SQL Injection�including a dangerous SQL Injection variant that can extract an entire backend database with just two requests
� Leverage security built into Ajax frameworks like Prototype, Dojo, and ASP.NET AJAX Extensions�and recognize what you still must implement on your own
� Create more secure �mashup� applications

Ajax Security will be an indispensable resource for developers coding or maintaining Ajax applications; architects and development managers planning or designing new Ajax software, and all software security professionals, from QA specialists to penetration testers.

Ajax Hacks: Tips & Tools for Creating Responsive Web Sites

Ajax, the popular term for Asynchronous javascript and XML, is one of the most important combinations of technologies for web developers to know these days. With its rich grouping of technologies, Ajax developers can create interactive web applications with XML-based web services, using javascript in the browser to process the web server response.
Taking complete advantage of Ajax, however, requires something more than your typical "how-to" book. What it calls for is Ajax Hacks from O'Reilly. This valuable guide provides direct, hands-on solutions that take the mystery out of Ajax's many capabilities. Each hack represents a clever way to accomplish a specific task, saving you countless hours of searching for the right answer.

AJAX Web Development

Ajax is an acronym f Asynchronous javascript and XML, and at its heart is the XMLHTTPRequest object, which is part of the XML DOM (Document Object Model)

AJAX and jQuery

You want to create an AJAX application. Why would you use Django? Why would you use jQuery? Why would you use both together? Enter Django JavaScript Integration: AJAX and jQuery � your comprehensive answer to all these questions and the only extensive, practical, and hands-on guide to developing any AJAX application with Django and jQuery.

Gone are the days when you used to lament over the lack of official documentation on AJAX with Django. This book will teach you exactly why Django is called �The web framework for perfectionists with deadlines�, how jQuery � the �write less do more� JavaScript library � is practically a virtual higher-level language, and why they both deserve to be integrated with AJAX.

This hands-on-guide shows you how to put Django and jQuery together in the process of creating an AJAX application. In this book, they are brought together in a real-world scenario, with attention to usability, to build and develop an AJAX application.

The first two chapters provide a short and necessary introduction to the world of Django, jQuery, and AJAX; and the remaining chapters are based on a case study that will make you realize the immense potential and benefits of integrating Django and jQuery with your AJAX application.

By the time you are done with this book, you�ll be developing your AJAX applications with Django and jQuery in less time than you can say �integrate�.

You will cover the basics of AJAX; use jQuery, the commonest JavaScript library, on the client side, and learn form validation with an eye to usability, build things with Django on the server-side, handle login and authentication via Django-based AJAX, and then dip into the rich jQuery plugin ecosystem to build in-place editing into your pages. You will add auto-complete functionality courtesy of jQuery UI, easily build forms with Django ModelForm, and then look at a client-side search implementation that can look things up without network access after initial download. You will learn to Implement a simple, expandable undo system, and offer more full-blooded account management, tinker, fix some bugs, offer a more usable way to handle password input, add local time support for people who are not in your time zone, look at usability, and finally take a look at debugging.

After working through this book, you will have both an AJAX application and a deep understanding that you can use to customize, extend, and further develop it in your organization.

This book has been written and tested for Django v 1.2.3 and jQuery v 1.4.4.

What you will learn from this book :

* Learn how and why, for certain kinds of web development, Django is more �Pythonic� than Python
* Understand whet the XMLHttpRequest Object is and how to implement it in various browsers
* Embed JavaScript in Django templates
* Learn account creation and login creation using AJAX
* Build forms using Django models
* Embed jQuery auto-complete plugins in your Django templates
* Validate form input on the server side using AJAX
* Integrate jQuery sliders into your Django template
* Minify JavaScript files and also learn the pros and cons of doing so

This book will teach you how to enrich your AJAX applications with Django and jQuery in a practical manner with minimum fuss. It introduces AJAX basics, gets a little deeper, and then goes chapter-by-chapter through a carefully chosen case study. It demonstrates how different pieces of a Django AJAX application work in themselves and are put together and specifically leads you through building an intranet employee photo directory with social networking features.

Building a Web Site with Ajax: Visual Quick Project Guide - Free eBook Building a Web Site with Ajax: Visual Quick Project Guide - Download ebook Building a Web Site with Ajax: Visual Quick Project Guide free

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