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Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++
This book was motivated by my experience in teaching the course E&CE 250: Algorithms and Data Structures in the Computer Engineering program at the University of Waterloo. I have observed that the advent of object-oriented methods and the emergence of object-oriented design patterns has lead to a profound change in the pedagogy of data structures and algorithms. The successful application of these techniques gives rise to a kind of cognitive unification: Ideas that are disparate and apparently unrelated seem to come together when the appropriate design patterns and abstractions are used.
Optimizing C++
Optimizing C++ provides working programmers and those who intend to be working programmers with a practical, real-world approach to program optimization. Many of the optimization techniques presented are derived from my reading of academic journals that are, sadly, little known in the programming community. This book also draws on my nearly 30 years of experience as a programmer in diverse fields of application, during which I have become increasingly concerned about the amount of effort spent in reinventing optimization techniques rather than applying those already developed.
C++: A Dialog.
Numerical Recipes in C
Thanks to special permission from Cambridge University Press, we are able to bring you the complete Numerical Recipes in C book On-Line! To utilize this resource, you will need an Adobe Acrobat viewer linked as a helper program to your web browser. Permission is granted by the copyright owners for users of this resource to make one paper copy of these Acrobat files for their own personal use. Further reproduction, or the extraction of, or copying of, machine readable files to any server computer, is strictly prohibited. This on-line resource is not intended as a substitute for purchasing the book, or for obtaining a license for the use of Numerical Recipes source code.
The C Programming Language
Synopsis: Novice programmers should be able to pick up the C language from this book, which assumes some familiarity with basic programming concepts like variables, assignment statements, loops, and functions. The guide describes C as defined by the ANSI standard.
C Programming
This material may not be reproduced in printed or electronic format without the express permission of the author. Where permission is granted to host these files on a mirror or local site, the original copyright must remain intact.
C Programming
This material may not be reproduced in printed or electronic format without the express permission of the author. Where permission is granted to host these files on a mirror or local site, the original copyright must remain intact.
C Programming Tutorial (K&R version 4)
This is a C Programming Tutorial for people who have a little experience with an interpreted programming language, such as Emacs Lisp or a GNU shell.
Edition 4.02
Introduction to C Programming
The course is split up into several sections, or lessons, which include C example programs for you to demonstrate what has been taught. Although the ordering of the sections does not have to be strictly followed, the sections become progressively more involved and assume background knowledge attained from previous sections.
Building And Using Static And Shared 'C' Libraries
What is a C library and building and using a C library are covered in depth.
C Primer Plus (5th Edition) - Free eBook C Primer Plus (5th Edition) - Download ebook C Primer Plus (5th Edition) free