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1-3 Chapters released per week, to END around 25-31st December 2008.
Welcome to the GUIOPERA (an Opera on a Graphical User Interface � Web browser), which tells the untold story of the etfiction cast of characters, in between eBooks, print versions, and other diversions.
Synopsis: First we met John Lazoo, the illiterate but magnetic figure whose idea for a stage play became the modus operandi for the Tongue Murders, for which he was charged and tried, and then mysteriously able to walk away from. The love of a woman was enough to take center-stage in John Lazoo the book, thus introducing Genisis Jones, a worthy adversary by plot, but also the valued prize whom Lazoo eventually wins.
In book II, WIPE, Polina Rada supersedes the potential global phenomenon of a video game with her wish to be part of a family. Afamasaga the narrator, Lazoo the poet, Metofeaz the writer, and Jon Le Mac the producer, otherwise known as LMLA-ink (for Lazoo, Metofeaz, Le Mac and Afamasaga), come close enough to telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth in the GUIOPERA.
John Reyer Afamasaga
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126 Free Ebooks
You can find downloadable free ebooks from this site, covering a large range of topics. If you have the time to spare, these ebooks might be your time killer.
A Heroine Of France
Author :Evelyn Everett Green Language : English Copyrights : United States
A Historical Mystery
Author :Honore De Balzac Language : English Copyrights : United States
On Creative Writing
There are several aspects to writing fiction. Rendering what John Gardner in The Art of Fiction describes as a �vivid and continuous dream� is a complicated affair. Story is created from the imagination of a writer, who in turn must translate it onto a page of symbols so that another person can read, absorb, and experience the story in a similar fashion. It�s a remarkable process when you think about it. So, are you up for the challenge or is the writer�s quintessential question nipping away inside: Do I have the talent?
3 Free Novels / Fictions
All three stories are consistent with Gene Roddenberry�s vision of Star Trek. These ebooks have not received any negative feedback, even from the author�s professor�s friend, who says that they are probably the best star trek books he�s ever read. Of course, I am biased, but I believe them to be, at the least, on par with other Star Trek books.
Another Piece of the Action
Another Piece of the Action not only resolves a story arch from book one, but revisits the Iotian people from the TOS episode �A Piece of the Action.� In that episode, Kirk unifies a people who have modeled their culture after 20th Century American Gangsters. McCoy accidentally leaves technology on the planet, and the episode ends with Kirk saying, �A hundred years from now, the Iotians might demand a piece of our action.� And a hundred years from Kirk is Captain Picard, who will find that Kirk�s solution of unifying the Gangsters into a one world government only made them stronger Gangsters, didn�t return them to a more peaceful way of living, and consequently, he has to rescue Garcia who is being held hostage on the Iotian planet. The sub plot deals with an alien race, known as the Preservers, who are conducting experiments on the Iotian population at large, making it appear as if Star Fleet is actually doing the experiments. They are responsible for relocating humans across the Galaxy, such as the Native Americans Kirk found on �Miramee�s� planet. They have been interfering with cultures, in the name of �preservation,� and are instrumental in preserving McCoy from death.
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