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A Collection of Poems about Depression
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Confessions of a Girl
Poet Jessica Diamond reflects on her past and current relationships in this, her very first poetry eBook. She allows the reader deep inside her heart to grasp her thoughts and emotions about her past relationships, her current relationship with her husband, plus various other emotions about various other subjects to which the reader should be able to relate. Download and read now!
Hide and Seek - Rhyming and Non - Rhyming Poems
This is a 610 pages Poetry Book . Contains poems on topics impossible for one to envisage that a poem could be written about such an inconspicuous little thing--but Parekh evolves bountiful rhyme from the word go and coalesces vivacious color in the little tid-bits of the chapter called life to optimum effect. A must read for all those who find color, charm and significance in even the smallest things of life and are enthused by even the most mercurial bit of stray paper loitering around.A poetic tribute to the ordinary, projecting its colorful extraordinary bit to the planet with raw panache.
Bozo and the Storyteller
Imagine our world was nothing more than a Story - you, the room you're in and everyone on the entire planet are just figments in the imagination of a Storyteller. But he's dying. And then what would become of our world? Would it just fade away? A creature called Bozo volunteers to enter the Story and look for a Cure.. This is a magical book for anyone who has never grown up..
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