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Anxiety & Panic Attacks

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EBook Description: Anxiety is a state of mind. You allow your mind to think those types of thoughts, and then you begin to panic about something that you believe to be happening in your mind; but that is really not taking place. You do not care whether that is true, however. You remain scared and fearful; and are hardly able to gain control of your bearings.

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In the hands of Professor Daniel N. Robinson, this course roams far and wide, encompassing ideas, speculations, and point-blank moral questions that might just dismantle and rebuild everything you once thought you knew about psychology.

Witness the Debate over Psychology's Very Existence

In fact, you not only learn what psychology is, but even if it is, as Professor Robinson discusses the constantly shifting debate over the nature of psychology itself.

You see one school of thought after another enter the fray, trying to determine how this strange thing called the human "mind" is to be understood, studied, and treated:
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Could such a process even happen without an intervening rationality to make sense of it all?
Or is "mind" itself merely an unobservable illusion, leaving the science of psychology with little more to study than the actual physical realities of body and brain?
It's a debate that has raged for centuries, and to take this course is to see the question and its implications with a new clarity.

A Multidisciplinary Teacher of Exceptional Skills

Originally trained as a neuropsychologist, Professor Robinson's decades of lecturing and distinguished scholarship have also established him as an authority in the fields of philosophical psychology, the history of psychology, and the junction of psychology and law.

So it is no surprise that he brings clarity, coherence, and comprehensiveness to this stimulating treatment of psychological speculation, debate, and investigation through the ages.

We think you'll agree that he has crafted a fascinating and immensely thought-provoking course�one that is philosophically well-grounded, scientifically informative, and engagingly presented by a true master of the teaching art.

It is a course, in short, for the "seeker" in you, designed to satisfy your need to know, your willingness to self-examine, and your restless curiosity about the world around you.

In fact, the array of ideas, cases, and issues you encounter is so remarkable, embracing so diverse a spectrum of thinkers and subjects, that you might find it hard to believe you're taking just a "psychology" course.

Course Lecture Titles1. Defining the Subject
2. Ancient Foundations�Greek Philosophers and Physicians
3. Minds Possessed�Witchery and the Search for Explanations
4. The Emergence of Modern Science�Locke's “Newtonian” Theory of Mind
5. Three Enduring “Isms”�Empiricism, Rationalism, Materialism
6. Sensation and Perception
7. The Visual Process
8. Hearing
9. Signal-Detection Theory
10. Perceptual Constancies and Illusions
11. Learning and Memory: Associationism�Aristotle to Ebbinghaus
12. Pavlov and the Conditioned Reflex
13. Watson and American Behaviorism
14. B.F. Skinner and Modern Behaviorism
15. B.F. Skinner and the Engineering of Society
16. Language
17. The Integration of Experience
18. Perception and Attention
19. Cognitive "Maps," "Insight," and Animal Minds
20. Memory Revisited�Mnemonics and Context
21. Piaget's Stage Theory of Cognitive Development
22. The Development of Moral Reasoning
23. Knowledge, Thinking, and Understanding
24. Comprehanding the World of Experience�Cognition Summarized
25. Psychobiology�Nineteenth-Century Foundations
26. Language and the Brain
27. Rationality, Problem-Solving, and Brain Function
28. The "Emotional" Brain�The Limbic System
29. Violence and the Brain
30. Psychopathology�The Medical Model
31. Artificial Intelligence and the Neurocognitive Revolution
32. Is Artificial Intelligence "Intelligent"?
33. What Makes an Event "Social"?
34. Socialization�Darwin and the "Natural History" Method
35. Freud's Debt to Darwin
36. Freud, Breuer, and the Theory of Repression
37. Freud's Theory of Psychosexual Development
38. Critiques of Freudian Theory
39. What Is "Personality"?
40. Obedience and Conformity
41. Altruism
42. Prejudice and Self-Deception
43. On Being Sane in Insane Places
44. Intelligence
45. Personality Traits and the Problem of Assessment
46. Genetic Psychology and "The Bell Curve"
47. Psychological and Biological Determinism
48. Civic Development�Psychology, the Person, and the Polis

The Psychology of Attention

Research on attention has evolved dramatically since the early work of the 1950s, and even in the few years since the publication of the first edition of this book. There have been significant changes in the study of how we are able to select some aspects for processing and ignore others, and how we are able to combine tasks, learn skills and make intentional actions. Attention is now increasingly seen as a complex process intimately linked with perception, memory and action. New questions are continually being addressed in the area of crossmodal attention and there have been important developments in brain imaging, which allow new insights into the biological bases of attention.

After an initial consideration of what attention might be, this book charts the development in the ideas and theories which surround the field. An entirely new chapter addresses the nature of auditory attention and the question of how visual and auditory attention are combined across modalities. The problems of task combination, skill acquisition and automaticity are considered, as well as the selection and control of action, and conscious and unconscious processing.

The Psychology of Attention, Second Edition provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to this fascinating and rapidly developing field.

Study Skills for Psychology Students

This practical handbook is an essential companion for psychology students. From day one of your degree, it will make all the difference.Based on the authors� extensive knowledge of psychology, it includes: Key approaches in psychology The best ways to study How to use IT effectively Producing excellent assignments and exams Helpful advice on statistical methods Tackling projects and dissertations An introduction to careers in psychology It contains exercises, tips, advice from students, and a glossary of commonly used terms in psychology.

Forensic and Legal Psychology

Using research in clinical, cognitive, developmental, and social psychology, Forensic and Legal Psychology shows how psychological science can enhance the gathering and presentation of evidence, improve legal decision-making, prevent crime, rehabilitate criminals, and promote justice. Although the emphasis is on psychological research, the textbook makes extensive use of actual cases and real trials to engage students and to illustrate the relevance of research findings. Written in a clear, student-friendly style, Forensic and Legal Psychology is designed for both the psychology and law AND forensic psychology class.

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