Learn Internet Game Programming with Java
The Internet and the World Wide Web have energized the already fast-moving world of computing and created previously unthinkable opportunities for communication between computer users. One of the most talked about areas of application for the Web is games. When games are networked on a global scale, they offer a plethora of entertainment possibilities for users. Gaming on the Web will truly change the way we all view entertainment, primarily because it blurs cultural boundaries much like the Internet itself does.
Getting Started: Java(Complete Tutorial)
New to Oracle, or new to Java development? Get started here with Java and Oracle technology, step by step.
EJB 3.0
A Complete Tutorial
GT 3.9.5 Java WS Core : System Administrator's Guide
This guide contains advanced configuration information for system administrators working with Java WS Core. It provides references to information on procedures typically performed by system administrators, including installation, configuring, deploying, and testing the installation.
Introduction to Programming Using Java Version 3.0, Summer 2000
An on-line textbook on introductory programming, which uses Java as the language of instruction.
The JavaTM Virtual Machine Specification
In The JavaTM Virtual Machine Specification, Second Edition, Sun's designers of the Java virtual machine provide comprehensive coverage of the Java virtual machine class file format and instruction set.
The Java Language Specification
Written by the inventors of the technology, The JavaTM Language Specification, Second Edition, is the definitive technical reference for the JavaTM programming language.
Securing Java on the Web
We hope this book appeals to geeks and grandmothers alike (not that some grandmothers aren't geeks). Although it gets technical in places, we hope the messages are clear enough that even the casual Web user comes away with a broader understanding of the security issues surrounding mobile code. We kept four groups in mind as we wrote this book: Web users, developers, system administrators, and business decision-makers. Many of the issues of mobile code security cut across these groups. As Java integrates itself into the foundations of electronic commerce, Java security issues take on more urgency.
Java Look and Feel Design Guilelines
Java Look and Feel Design Guidelines focuses on design issues and human-computer interaction in the context of the Java look and feel. It also attempts to provide a common vocabulary for designers, developers, and other professionals
A Java GUI Programmer's Primer
This book contains an introduction to the systematic development of Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) using the Java environment.
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