Great Astronomers
There may have been other discoverers who have done more for science than Ptolemy ever accomplished, but there has never been any other discoverer whose authority on the subject of the movements of the heavenly bodies has swayed the minds of men for so long a period as the first 14 centuries, during which time Ptolemy's opinions reigned supreme.
Take Back The Earth- -The Dumb, Greedy Incompetents Have Trashed It
A finalist in the Indie Excellence 2007 book awards, this may be Swiatek�s most important book. The Earth does not belong to us, but governments and corporations have acted as though there is no end to the resources of the planet, with the disasters of Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, Bhopal, Love Canal, the Exxon Valdez and Katrina. The land, sea, and air have been spoiled and people harmed. Fortunately, we have the ingenuity to come up with solutions to take back the Earth
The Life and Letters of Darwin
In selecting letters for publication, the author, famed botanist, Sir Francis Darwin, was largely guided by the wish to illustrate his father, famed naturalist, Charles Darwin's personal character. But the naturalist's life was so essentially one of work, that a history of the man could not be written without closely following the career of his son, Sir Francis Darwin. Thus, the main part of the book falls into chapters with titles that correspond to the book titles.
The Life and Letters of Darwin, Volume2
By botanist, Sir Francis Darwin, son of naturalist, Charles Darwin. This second volume focuses on the life and letters of Charles Darwin.
The Science of Getting Rich
This FREE, ready for download eBook is a practical manual intended for individuals whose most pressing need is for money; who wish to get rich first, and philosophize afterward. It is for those who have so far found neither the time, the means, nor the opportunity to study this matter in an in-depth manner, but who want results and are willing to take the scientific conclusions as a basis for action without going into all the processes by which those conclusions were reached. The plan of action that the reader will receive is a result of years of study, followed by the author's personal
The Voyage of the Beagle
he text of the present volume shows without further comment the nature of Darwin's labors and their results on his momentous voyage.
A Catechism Of The Steam Engine
Author : John Bourne Using this book you can easily gather informations about "History of Science"
Alcoholic Fermentation
Author : Louis Pasteur Using this book you can easily gather informations about "History of Science"
Ancient And Modern Physics
Author : Thomas E. Willson Using this book you can easily gather informations about "History of Science"
Atomic Energy 1940 To 1945
Author : H. D. Smyth Using this book you can easily gather informations about "History of Science"
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