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C Programming Notes
These notes are part of the UW Experimental College course on Introductory C Programming. They are based on notes prepared (beginning in Spring, 1995) to supplement the book The C Programming Language, by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, or K&R as the book and its authors are affectionately known. (The second edition was published in 1988 by Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-110362-8.) These notes are now (as of Winter, 1995-6) intended to be stand-alone, although the sections are still cross-referenced to those of K&R, for the reader who wants to pursue a more in-depth exposition.
Essentials of Visual C++
The free online textbook for this course is Visual C++ 6 Unleashed . Read the Introduction to the book.
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using C++
This is a large tutorial with links to many different sections. Perfect for someone who wants to learn lots about C++ and object oriented concepts.
C Programming
It is hoped that newcomers will find C a useful and friendly language. Care must be taken in using C. Many of the extra facilities which it offers can lead to extra types of programming error. You will have to learn to deal with these to successfully make the transition to being a C programmer.
The C Book
This is the online version of The C Book, second edition by Mike Banahan, Declan Brady and Mark Doran, originally published by Addison Wesley in 1991. This version is made freely available.
Writing Bug-Free C Code
A Programming Style That Automatically Detects Bugs in C Code
Learning GNU C
This file is a C programming tutorial using the GNU C compiler and GNU Libc.
C++ Annotations
This document offers an introduction to the C++ programming language. It is a guide for C/C++ programming courses, yearly presented by Frank at the University of Groningen. This document is not a complete C/C++ handbook, as much of the C-background of C++ is not covered. Other sources should be referred to for that (e.g., the Dutch book De programmeertaal C, Brokken and Kubat, University of Groningen, 1996).
C++ Coding Standard
Using this Standard. If you want to make a local copy of this standard and use it as your own you are perfectly free to do so.
Learn C++
Welcome to Learn C++ in 21 Chapters! ToChapter you will get started on your way to becoming a proficient C++ programmer. You'll learn
* Why C++ is the emerging standard in software development.
* The steps to develop a C++ program.
* How to enter, compile, and link your first working C++ program.
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