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Professional .NET 2.0 Generics

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EBook Description: Using this book you can easily gather informations about ".NET 2.0".This book briefly explain all the concepts with suitable examples.

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About the Author
Paolo Pialorsi is a consultant, trainer, and author who specializes in developing distributed applications architectures and Microsoft SharePoint enterprise solutions. He is a founder of DevLeap, a company focused on providing content and consulting to professional developers. Paolo wrote �Programming Microsoft LINQ� and �Introducing Microsoft LINQ� both published by Microsoft Press, and is the author of three books in Italian language about XML and Web Services. He is also a regular speaker at industry conferences.

Marco Russo is a founder of DevLeap. He is a regular contributor to developer user communities and is an avid blogger on Microsoft SQL Server Business Intelligence and other Microsoft technologies. Marco provides consulting and training to professional developers on the Microsoft .NET Framework and Microsoft SQL Server. He wrote �Programming Microsoft LINQ� and �Introducing Microsoft LINQ� with Paolo Pialorsi, �Expert Cube Development with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services� with Alberto Ferrari and Chris Webb, and is the author of two books in Italian about C# and the common language runtime.

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