The Fool-Proof Guide to Accepting Credit Cards & Checks Online and Offline
The author provides important insight on how credit card and check payments may be received, the costs associated with the process, and the jargon used in the payment processing, merchant account field.
Worksheet: Your Ideal Client Profile
Save your time and hard earned money by marketing to your ideal client. Report, resources and worksheet included.
What Did My Broker Say?
A guide to financial planning terms and concepts.
eBay Power Tips
In "eBay Power Tips" Janiece Smith, author of the Ask the eBay Expert newsletter, outlines 12 step-by-step methods to help you easily increase your eBay profits.
The Exporting Entrepreneur's Primer by Dennis Hessler.
This book is a primer on exporting with my 8-step plan for new exporters to take part in the booming global marketplace. Size 309K
TrendSiters - Digital Content and Web Technologies
Essays dedicated to the new media, doing business on the web, digital content, its creation and distribution, e-publishing, e-books, digital reference, DRM technology, and other related issues.
The Psychology of Cyberspace.
The Psychology of Cyberspace.
The Viral Marketing Tutorial
Master Viral Marketing in 5 Lessons. By the end of these lessons you'll have all the secrets and knowledge of professional marketers at your fingertips.
Tips for Your Web Success
A compilation of my articles containing new and updated resources, links, tips, ideas and information for your online success. Size 472K
Virtual Mail Order Business
Guide explaining the concept and strategies to set up a virtual mail order business
The Online R&D Kit. - Free eBook
The Online R&D Kit. - Download ebook
The Online R&D Kit. free