To understand the characteristics and operation of Power Electronic Devices, the requirements andsuitable applications.
Automotive Power Electronics
This book is all about Automative power Electronics.This book based on power control
New Power Stabilizing Technique
The new simple way of power stabilization for limited range loads is proposed which is based on adding signals, proportional to output voltage and current, instead of multiplying them.
Power BJTs and Power Darlingtons
This is a nice book on power semiconductor.It describes the Power BJTs and Power Darlingtons
Power electronics KEPCO applications handbook
Power electronics KEPCO applications handbook
Power Electronics Devices, Drivers, Applications, and Passive Components
Power Electronics Devices, Drivers, Applications, and Passive Components
DC to DC Conversion Choppers (PDF 41p)
DEFINITION: Converting the unregulated DC input to a controlled DC output with a desired voltage level.
Overview of DC DC converters and topologies
This course will teach the basics of linear, inductive, switched capacitor DC to DC converter products from Portable Power Systems perspective. It will not cover controllers, battery chargers, supervisors, LED drivers or products for specific purposes such as PMUs, LMUs, RF-PA drivers, CCFL drivers, TFT power supplies etc.
DC to AC Conversion Invertors (PDF 50p)
DC to AC Conversion � General concept � Basic principles/concepts � Single-phase inverter � Square wave � Notching � PWM � Harmonics � Modulation � Three-phase inverter
DC Motor Drive (PDF 36p)
Motor Drives � General principles motors � Motor drive systems � DC motor drives � AC motor drives
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