YourSurgery.Com [English]
YourSurgery.Com [English]
Bermant Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery [English]
Bermant Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery [English] [English] [English]
Online Laparoscopic Technical Manual Philippe J. Quilici [English]
Online Laparoscopic Technical Manual Philippe J. Quilici [English]
Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Dentistry, Dermatology and Vision Correction Information [English]
Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Dentistry, Dermatology and Vision Correction Information [English]
Surgical [English]
Surgical [English]
Vesalius the Internet resource for surgical education [English]
Vesalius the Internet resource for surgical education [English]
Cosmetic Surgery
Cosmetic Surgery Magazine covers every aspect of cosmetic enhancement and how to look your best. Containing authoritative information about cosmetic surgery procedures and related rejuvenation treatments, each issue provides doctor interviews and detailed descriptions of what to expect before, during and after a cosmetic procedure, complete with untouched before-and-after photos. From wrinkle treatments and injectable fillers to breast augmentation and liposuction, this glossy publication reports on the latest techniques and technology as well as innovative products and the latest health and beauty news. A must-read if you want to look as good and as young as you feel.
Anatomic Basis of Tumor Surgery
Modern biological understanding is the basis for a multimodality treatment of a tumor. 'Anatomic Basis of Tumor Surgery' is the only book that provides an anatomic basis and description of tumor surgery based on an understanding of both the anatomy and biology of tumor progression. It presents the regional anatomy to allow tailoring of the operation as demanded.
Essentials of Orthopedic Surgery
Convenient as a study source for medical students, its many photographs and illustrations will also serve as a useful clinical reference for young surgeons, residents, nurses, and physician assistants. Each of the many topics is covered in depth and is designed to educate medical students and steer them towards formulating excellent diagnoses and treatment plans. As a further aid, multiple-choice questions are included at the end of each chapter, and there is a section devoted to case studies.
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