GT 3.9.5 Java WS Core : System Administrator's Guide
This guide contains advanced configuration information for system administrators working with Java WS Core. It provides references to information on procedures typically performed by system administrators, including installation, configuring, deploying, and testing the installation.
Practical Artificial Intelligence Programming in Java
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The Software Development Book for Java Developers
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Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language
Code conventions improve the readability of the software, allowing engineers to understand new code more quickly and thoroughly.
Java Look and Feel Design Guidelines
This revised and expanded edition contains a collection of toolbar graphics, lists of terms localized for European and Asian languages, and an appendix on look and feel switching. New and revised guidelines are provided throughout, and new sections discuss smooth interaction, the use of badges in button graphics, and revised standards for window titles. Also included with this edition is a companion CD-ROM that contains code samples for many figures in the book, and a repository of graphics.
JavaTM Look and Feel Design Guidelines: Advanced Topics
An application's usability depends on its appearance and behavior--its look and feel. A consistent look and feel helps users learn an application faster and use it more efficiently. In addition, a consistent look and feel helps users learn other applications that share that look and feel.
Interface Design
Best Practices in Object-Oriented API Design in Java
by Bill Venners
Principles of Object-Oriented Programming in Java 1.1
online free Book
The Java Developers Almanac 1.4
Total List of Packages
Jan Newmarch's Guide to Jini Technologies
This book is being revised to use Jini 2.1. So far many chapters have been revised and
checked (against Jini 2.1) and there are several new chapters (Jeri,Config, Logging,
ServiceStarter, Advanced Security). In time, the remaining chapters will be
converted. The new Jeri stuff is covered and the new security.
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