Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets
wxWidgets is an easy-to-use, open source C++ API for writing GUI applications that run on Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, and even Pocket PC - supporting each platform's native look and feel with virtually no additional coding. Now, its creator and two leading developers teach you all you need to know to write robust cross-platform software with wxWidgets.
Teachers' Guide to Practical C++ Programming
This book is designed to provide teaching materials to any instructor who wants to use Practical C++ Programming in his classroom. The materials contained in this book contains of a set of slides (for classroom presentation) and teachers' notes (which give hints on how the material might be presented.)
Programming in C
This free C++ book is From Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection. This book covers the essential features of the C++ language and its standard library (STL). It also provides a survey of important concepts, software design, and design patterns, but as a stepping stone for the reader or as an introduction to more advanced C++ concepts.
C++ Programming
This book covers the essential features of the C++ language and its standard library (STL). It also provides a survey of important concepts, software design, and design patterns, but as a stepping stone for the reader or as an introduction to more advanced C++ concepts. Its primary objective is to provide an appropriate book for an introduction course on the C++ programming language and its computer science concepts or related applications.
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C++ Programming/V2
C++ (pronounced 'see plus plus') is a general-purpose computer programming language. It is a statically typed free-form multi-paradigm language supporting procedural programming, data abstraction, object-oriented programming, and generic programming. During the 1990s, C++ became one of the most popular commercial programming languages. No one owns the C++ language; it is royalty-free.
Programming in C -/- -/-: Index
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the open-content textbooks collection
Thinking in C++, 2nd ed. Volume 1
You can�t just look at C++ as a collection of features; some of the features make no sense in isolation. You can only use the sum of the parts if you are thinking about design, not simply coding. And to understand C++ this way, you must understand the problems with C and with programming in general. This book discusses programming problems, why they are problems, and the approach C++ has taken to solve such problems. Thus, the set of features I explain in each chapter will be based on the way that I see a particular type of problem being solved with the language. In this way I hope to move you, a little at a time, from understanding C to the point where the C++ mindset becomes your native tongue.
C++ Annotations
The version number of the C++ Annotations (currently 6.2.3) is updated when the contents of the document change. The first number is the major number, and will probably not be changed for some time: it indicates a major rewriting. The middle number is increased when new information is added to the document. The last number only indicates small changes; it is increased when, e.g., series of typos are corrected.
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