Programmable Logic
This book will cover the design and implementation of programmable logic devices (PLDs) using the Verilog, VHDL, and System C Hardware description languages. This book would also like to look at programming a variety of specific programmable devices, such as FPGA and CPLD devices. Contents intended to be covered are: Programming HDL, Concurrent programming and synthesis. A Previous knowledge of programming a high-level language is assumed. Knowledge of Semiconductors is helpful but not necessary
Computer Science/Programming Languages
A programming language is an artificial language that can be used to instruct a computer to do a particular task. To be considered a general programming language, it must be computationally complete, or Turing-Complete. It is nevertheless common to regard some languages that are not computationally complete, like database query languages and other domain-specific languages as programming languages as well.
XBasic(For Window)
open-content textbooks collection
XHTML is a subset within the XML-based languages used on the Internet (or Intranets) in webpages. XHTML is based on HTML, but XHTML is more strict and is XML-compliant, so an XHTML page is easier to view within a web browser than a HTML page. XHTML follows many of the conventions of HTML, so most current HTML-compliant browsers will be able to view XHTML documents. However, some older web browsers do not render XHTML with CSS properly
HTML Programming
Complete Programming Tutorial
Windows Programming
this category belong to the Windows Programming book. The {{Windows Programming Page}} template automatically includes pages in this category. That template should appear at the top of every page in that book.
Basic Computing Using Windows
A basic guide to using computers that run Windows�.
Computers for Beginners
This is a book for people with little or no prior computer knowledge. It will teach basics moving slowly toward more advanced topics. The primary learning technique will be tutorial examples since they facilitate learning more effectively. There will be adequate theory prior to and explaining the examples so the user learns what the computer is doing instead of just memorizing keystokes and mouse clicks.
Building Expert Systems in Prolog
This book is designed to teach you how to build expert systems from the inside out. It presents the various features used in expert systems, shows how to implement them in Prolog, and how to use them to solve problems.
Prolog Programming A First Course
hese notes are supplemented with exercises and suggestions for simple practicals. It is assumed that you will do most of this supplementary work either in your own time for tutorials or during practical sessions.
Each chapter will start with a simple outline of its content and finish with a brief description of what you should know upon completion of the chapter and its exercises.
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