Assembly Language Tutor:
The tutorial is completely focused towards the computers that function with
processors of the x86 family of Intel, and considering that the language
bases its functioning on the internal resources of the processor, the
described examples are not compatible with any other architecture.
Interrupt List
An interrupt is a hardware signal that tells the CPU to temporarily
stop what it is doing and go do something else. Without interrupts,
the CPU would have to constantly check for external events; with
interrupts, the CPU can work on something else and still respond to
an event as soon as it occurs.
SPIM S20: A MIPS R2000 Simulator
SPIM S20 is a simulator that runs programs for the MIPS R2000/R3000 RISC computers.2 SPIM can read and immediately execute files containing assembly language. SPIM is a self-contained system for running these programs and contains a debugger and interface to a few operating system services.
The architecture of the MIPS computers is simple and regular, which makes it easy to learn and understand. The processor contains 32 general-purpose 32-bit registers and a well-designed instruction set that make it a propitious target for generating code in a compiler.
The Assembly Language Database
An old but comprehensive database of assembly language instructions and operations. A must reference for any assembly programmer. Also contains the Turbo Assembler 4.0 guide
Programming from the Ground Up
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ARM Assembly Language Programming
ARM Assembly Language Programming is a book describing the instruction set of the then current ARM architecture, which was ARM3. It also contained some tutorial information about machine code, assembly language, data structures and using the BBC BASIC assembler.
PC Assembly Language
This Is A Assembly Language Tutorial
Pattern Matching in Assembly Language
To fully appreciate the power of HLA's pattern matching language you must first learn some background information. This section will provide the background theory necessary to understand how to use each of the pattern matching functions that each of the following sections present.
Advanced String Handling
A string is a collection of objects stored in contiguous memory locations. Strings are usually arrays of bytes, words, or (on 80386 and later processors) double words. The 80x86 microprocessor family supports several instructions specifically designed to cope with strings. This chapter explores some of the uses of these string instructions.
Windows Programming in Assembly
This book teaches Win32 GUI application programming using the Win32 API. A great follow-on to those who've read 'The Art of Assembly Language Programming' - Win32 Programming for x86 Assembly Language Programmers - Free eBook - Win32 Programming for x86 Assembly Language Programmers - Download ebook - Win32 Programming for x86 Assembly Language Programmers free