Perl 4 Perl Newbies
Perl was introduced in 1987 (4 years before Linux itself), when the author, Larry Wall, released version 1.000 of it. The reason for its creation was that Mr. Wall was unhappy by the functionality that sed, C, awk and the Bourne Shell offered him. He looked for a language that will combine all of their best features, while having as few disadvantages of its own.
Debugging Perl DBI
Avoid errors by following our Perl DBI best practises. Track down errors quickly by selectively logging your application's DBI activity with DBIx::log4perl.
Enabling ODBC support in Perl with Perl DBI and DBD::ODBC
This document describes how to build Perl DBI, add the DBD::ODBC module and use an ODBC driver provided by Easysoft in your Perl scripts. It shows you how to quickly add ODBC support to your Perl applications.
Perl DBI/DBD::ODBC Tutorial Part 1 - Drivers, Data Sources and Connection
This tutorial describes the ODBC data sources that let you access your databases and shows you how to connect to a database from a Perl script.
Perl DBI/DBD::ODBC Tutorial Part 2 - Introduction to retrieving data from your database.
Read this tutorial for example Perl scripts that show you how to execute a SQL statement, fetch, and display the results. The tutorial discusses the performance advantages of using parameters in prepared SQL statements. It also describes the various methods Perl DBI provides for retrieving data.
Perl DBI/DBD::ODBC Tutorial Part 3 - Connecting Perl on UNIX or Linux to Microsoft SQL Server
This tutorial shows you how to access a Microsoft SQL Server database from a Perl script running on UNIX or Linux. It describes how to configure an ODBC data source for use with SQL Server and provides some Perl code samples that illustrate how to create and call stored procedures.
Perl Tutorial Part 4 - Put Your Data On The Web
Explains how to publish your SQL data on the web. This tutorial provides example CGI scripts written in Perl that display the contents of a database table in an HTML page. The tutorial also describes how to separate HTML from database data by using the HTML::Template module. Finally, it shows you how to dynamically alter a SQL query based on values supplied from a URL or a form input box.
MacPerl: Power and Ease
Perl(and, by extension, MacPerl) is a convenient and powerful language for
administrative programming, CGI scripting on the World Wide Web, data analysis and filtering (e.g., error checking and reformatting), network pro-
gramming, and more. In short, Perl can be used for almost any programming
project you may have in mind.
Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason
This book assumes that the reader is familiar with Perl at an intermediate level and that common Perl idioms don't stop you in your tracks. While you need not have written your own modules previously, familiarity with Perl's object-oriented syntax will be helpful.
Learning Perl the Hard Way
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