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How To Create A Reality That Exceeds Your Dreams Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

EBook NameHow To Create A Reality That Exceeds Your Dreams Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!
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Ebook Added On Added On: 27-Oct-2010
Download Free EBook Download How To Create A Reality That Exceeds Your Dreams Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!
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EBook Category Category: Self Improvement

EBook Description: The A, B, C�s of success will show you exactly what you need to do to achieve all your goals. The good news is, the things you have to do are simple. From showing you how to apply action, belief and consistency to your life, to showing you how to create SMART goals, and develop a mind for success, this ebook is your roadmap to living an extraordinary life.

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Various Ebooks by Paulo Coelho

A great advocate for free content on the net, Paulo Coelho has a good list of free ebooks in various languages and formats for public consumption. I won�t spoil the fun and list down the titles here, so jump over and check them out.

Just Stop Having Problems Stupid!

I�m not a bona fide �doctor� in the strictest sense; that is, in the sense that a �university� has granted me a �doctorate.� My doctorate is what I call the doctorate of life. It wasn�t handed to me by a �dean of students� on a �platform,� unless that dean of students was life, and the platform was also life in a slightly different metaphorical sense. So what do I do for those people who come to me and say, �Dr. Matt, I�ve got serious problems�? Well, I tell them the same thing I�m going to say to you: �Stop having problems, stupid!�

In this book, you will learn:

1. The Superman-Jesus connection
2. How your problems are like barrels on a boat
3. Why metaphors are stupid
4. Why self-help books don�t help
5. How to properly compare Russell Crowe and Stone Phillips

Poetic Guidance for a Healthy Heart, Mind, Body & Soul

It�s not just another poetry book! It�s a spiritual journey of self development. A passage to the heart that lives within each one of us. A self analyzing journey full of unanswered questions and un-lived feelings. So join me, read my self journalized creation of poetic melody and guiding thoughts. Then write within the provided self journal pages, creating a book of personal expression and understanding. Creating within a healthier Heart, Mind, Body & Soul.

Directions for improving your life

Work book for people at the bottom to rise from their economic situation.

Your Personal Peace Journal

Tools like EFT make the process much easier, quicker, deeper, and less painful. Consistently applied over just a few hours, EFT can change your life. Consistently applying it is the key though; and knowing where to start is the question Sandy was asked most often. So Sandy wrote a 96 page ebook and journal to help you apply the procedure consistently, and make sure it was applied where you need it most! It is called Your Personal Peace Journal, a Personal Journey to Peace using EFT. It uses the EFT Personal Peace Procedure as the framework.

An Astonishing Discovery: The Seasons Of Our Lives

The moment you�ve finished reading this book, you�ll be able to know whether the years just ahead are good or bad for you, and how long this season will last. You�ll be able thus to act accordingly: if there is a storm on the horizon, you�ll take shelter in time; if sunny days loom ahead, you�ll take advantage before the opportunity passes.

This ability derives from the fact that the seasons of our lives alternate from good to bad ones �and vice versa� according to a certain pattern which I explain in the book, based on the way the good and bad seasons have alternated in the lives of lots of famous men and women, whose the biographies I cite in the book. From that pattern derives, of course, that we, too, can foresee how our own good and bad seasons will alternate in the future. This knowledge radically transforms the way we all live today, and helps us to live a much better life.

Your Success Strategies by Susan Gray

You will learn the basic principles of success and the importance of goal personal planning process. You will learn why some people fail on the goal-achieving path and how to avoid it. You will learn about the power of your subconscious mind and how to use it. Success is different for everyone and means different things to different people. For some it means making a lot of money, for others it may mean being happy and believing in themselves. Regardless of your definition of success, you can follow these basic principles to achieve your dreams

The Alternative (Focused On The Need To Save Humanity)

Gillian Speke of has a great free ebook about a Green Living campaign directory detailing how to overcome poverty, homelessness, pollution and corruption, and survive global warming; featuring design specifications for new-style affordable housings for homes, commercial buildings, transport and space-craft.

Gillian also has a blog on the above website, together with the rest of the information, including the download link of the full ebook and individual chapters which you download directly. The full ebook is relatively huge I would say, going at 28mb, giving the reason why I think the individual chapters are provided for an alternative downloading method. But hey, don�t let the size stop you from downloading the ebook. It also has a short ebook version, so you might want to get that version if you don�t have the patience on getting the full one. Do take note that this is not the ordinary ebook which you download to read, although it meant to be read, but for me personally it tends to look more like an encyclopedia, or a dictionary, I don�t know probably it looks like that because of the layout.

Personal Development EBooks

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Personal Development EBooks

This time around, we have 2 great authors on 2 different topics about personal development, specifically on more on the things that we need to do to get the things we want. I would say it�s more on personal achievement more than personal development, but how can you achieve something without developing yourself right? So here you go �

Empowerment through Dynamic Meditation
by Ed McDonough

While in the conscious awake state of mind there�s only so much you can accomplish because of the perceived limitations you see around you. You�re a single droplet of water. However, through the use of medication, and specifically Dynamic Meditation, you begin to realize that there are no limitations. Your mind connects with the vast collective consciousness giving it access to an unlimited amount of information which isn�t available to you at the conscious state of mind.

Download the ebook from the link below:-
Empowerment through Dynamic Meditation or here (PDF)

Your Success Strategies
by Susan Gray

You will learn the basic principles of success and the importance of goal personal planning process. You will learn why some people fail on the goal-achieving path and how to avoid it. You will learn about the power of your subconscious mind and how to use it. Success is different for everyone and means different things to different people. For some it means making a lot of money, for others it may mean being happy and believing in themselves. Regardless of your definition of success, you can follow these basic principles to achieve your dreams.

Download the ebook by clicking here

October 19th, 2007 | Comments (4)
The Alternative (Focused On The Need To Save Humanity)

Gillian Speke of has a great free ebook about a Green Living campaign directory detailing how to overcome poverty, homelessness, pollution and corruption, and survive global warming; featuring design specifications for new-style affordable housings for homes, commercial buildings, transport and space-craft.

Gillian also has a blog on the above website, together with the rest of the information, including the download link of the full ebook and individual chapters which you download directly. The full ebook is relatively huge I would say, going at 28mb, giving the reason why I think the individual chapters are provided for an alternative downloading method. But hey, don�t let the size stop you from downloading the ebook. It also has a short ebook version, so you might want to get that version if you don�t have the patience on getting the full one. Do take note that this is not the ordinary ebook which you download to read, although it meant to be read, but for me personally it tends to look more like an encyclopedia, or a dictionary, I don�t know probably it looks like that because of the layout.

Anyway, enough with the talking, here are your download links :-
Click here to download the full ebook (28mb)
Click here to download the short ebook (18mb)
or click here to get the chapters individually (top left)
or just click here to visit Gillian�s blog and digest everything at one go.

October 5th, 2007 | Comments (2)
Personal Development EBooks has a great compilation of free personal development ebooks. The number could probably go up to dozens if you go through it completely. Kudos for the great selection. An excerpt from the site and a few downloads:-

Here is a listing of free personal, spiritual, and business development ebooks, classes, and reports. There is no charge for any of them (although some may require an email address or other personal information to access). Some are downloadable, some are online, all are free and life expanding.

Breakthrough Power: A Daily Guide to an Extraordinary Life

Breakthrough Power: A Daily Guide to an Extraordinary Life provides four great quotes a day, usually from people known for their outstanding accomplishments. The first quote is humorous, which will put you in a good mood, ready to face life�s challenges. The other quotes will help you build an unshakeable foundation, pursue and fulfill your dreams, impact others, improve your relationships, and find time for renewal . You can read all four quotes in less than a minute, so you can squeeze them in before you start your breakthrough day.

How To Create A Reality That Exceeds Your Dreams Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible! - Free eBook How To Create A Reality That Exceeds Your Dreams Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible! - Download ebook How To Create A Reality That Exceeds Your Dreams Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible! free

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