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Data Structures and Algorithms
Data Structures and Algorithms |
Sorting and Searching Algorithms
A small guide on the following topics : Arrays, Linked Lists, Timing Estimates, Insertion sort, Shell sort, Quicksort, Hash Tables, Binary Search Trees, Red-Black Trees, Skip Lists, External Sorts, B-Trees.
AVL Trees
The following discussion is part of a freely available public domain AVL
tree library written in C++
Animated Algorithms
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Algorithms CMSC 251
A book on the following topics : Course Introduction, Analyzing Algorithms: the 2-D Maxima Problem, Summations and Analyzing Programs with Loops, the 2-D Maxima revisited and Asymptotics, Asymptotics, Divide and Conquer and MergeSort, Recurrences, Medians and Selection, Long Integer Multiplication, Heaps and HeapSort, HeapSort Analysis and Partitioning, QuickSort, Lower Bounds for Sorting, Linear Time Sorting, Introduction to Graphs, Graphs, Graph Representation and BFS, All Pairs Shortest Paths, Floyd Warshall Algorithm, Longest Common Subsequence, Chain Matrix Multiplication, NP Completeness: General Introduction, NP Completeness and Reductions
Algorithms COMP 3001
A collection of lecture notes covering the following topics: Administrivia, Introduction to algorithms, Introduction to algorithms (cont), Graphs, Breadth First Search, Depth First Search Topological Sorting, Divide-and-conquer (Intro), Matrix multiplcatio
Data Structures CMSC 420
A document covering many data structures topics. Great for most university courses. The document has 117 pages.
Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms CMSC 451
A book on the following subjects : Asymptotics and Summations, Divide and Conquer and Recurrences, Sorting, Dynaminc Programming, Longest Command Subsequence, Chain Matrix Multiplication, Memoization and Triangulation, Greedy Algorithms, Huffman Coding,
Graph Theory
A book covering many graph theory topics.
Advanced Algorithms
A document on the following topics : notation and basics, primality testing, factoring integers, discrete logarithms, quantum computation, factoring polynomials in finite fields, factoring polynomials over integers, Lovaszs lattics basis reduction algorithm, multiplication of large integers, matrix multiplication, matrix flow, Bipartite matching.
Complexity Theory
A document containing on following topics: recursive functions, efficient computation, hierarchy theorems, the complexity classes L, P and PSPACE, nondeterministic computation, relations among complexity classes, complete problems, constructing more complexity-classes, probabilistic computation, pseudorandom number generators, parallel computation, relativized computation, interactive proofs.
Data Structures and Algorithms
Data Structures and Algorithms - Free eBook
Data Structures and Algorithms
Data Structures and Algorithms - Download ebook
Data Structures and Algorithms
Data Structures and Algorithms free