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Learning Perl the Hard Way
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Learning Perl the Hard Way
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Perl 5 Internals
Welcome to NetThink's Perl 5 Internals training course. This is a three-hour course which provides a hands-on introduction to how the perl interpreter works internally, how to go about testing and fixing bugs in the interpreter, and what the internals are likely to look like in the future of Perl, Perl 6.
Perl 5 Internals
Welcome to NetThink's Perl 5 Internals training course. This is a three-hour course which provides a hands-on introduction to how the perl interpreter works internally, how to go about testing and fixing bugs in the interpreter, and what the internals are likely to look like in the future of Perl, Perl 6.
Higher-Order Perl
Perl is a much more expressive language than C. We could be doing a lot better, using Perl in ways undreamt of by C programmers, but we're not.
Perl Basics In Pictures
This book helps beginners learn to create interactive Web sites using the PERL programming language.
Picking Up Perl
This book has been created for a number of reasons. The primary reason is to provide a freely redistributable tutorial for the Perl language. In writing this freely redistributable tutorial, it is our hope that the largest number of people can have access to it and share it.
Perl 5 by Example
This book is based on the learn-by-doing principle because I believe simply reading about a subject is not the best way to learn. After all, you don't read about putting together a jigsaw puzzle, you put the puzzle together yourself! Programming is the same way. You must actually run some programs in order to really understand the concepts.
Extreme Perl
Extreme Perl is a book about Extreme Programming using the programming language Perl. This site contains the entire book. Please send me your suggestions, questions, etc. to comments at extremeperl.org. You may also want to join the Extreme Perl Group at Yahoo! Groups to discuss Extreme Programming with Perl.
Programming Perl 5
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Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason - Free eBook Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason - Download ebook Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason free