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Shruti dug out a master�s degree in English Literature after which her passion for fiction writing forced her to take up only two jobs: reading and writing. She�s offering 3 free writing ebooks at her website, Literaryzone.com, with topics ranging from fiction writing to the dangers for fiction writers. However, before you can download them, you have to enter your name and email address, but the �downloading system� seems to be pretty straightforward although a little bit troublesome as you have download each title individually through the interface. Regardless, it�s just a brief clicking activity to grab hold of her 3 informative ebooks. If it�s not obvious enough, just click on the shelf carrying these 3 ebooks at your top left. Enjoy.
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This book is a practical guidebook for coordinating campaigns for real change. It will guide you through each of the necessary steps to achieve you aim, from forming a campaign group, recruiting, inspiring and motivating your members to lobbying officials, dealing with the media and writing speeches � in short everything you will need to achieve real, positive success.
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The guys at F+W couldn�t have said it better themselves, so I�ll let them explain what they�re trying to do and their objectives in their own words �
In an effort to further build its online communities, F+W Media announced today it will offer free book downloads to new e-newsletter subscribers. The content will be from leading F+W communities, including Writing, Genealogy, and Woodworking.
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CoolTricksnTips.com has listed down 26 great free ebooks for bloggers in nice fashionly way. Each ebook is listed down with their cover and some description so that you�ll know what to expect. Click on each link below each ebook to jump right over to the author�s page and start downloading. Just to name a few�
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Success In The Arts: What it Takes to Make It in Creative Fields
For All Aspiring Artists: Writers, Musicians, Filmmakers, Visual Artists, Dancers, Actors. Learn to answer these essential questions: . What factors contribute most to success in the arts? . Do you have enough talent? . What do you need besides talent? . What are the myths about creativity? . What is real creativity and how do you cultivate it? . How do you get through tough times? . How do you deal with criticism? . How do you �get the breaks� in your field? . What foundation principles don�t change? . How do you hang on to the important things in life? . How do you keep from �selling your soul?� . What if you don�t make it? . Save years of trial and error . Avoid the common pitfalls of creative careers . A mentor in a book
Free EBooks by Jim DeSantis
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Homer the Helicopter Grand Canyon Adventures
Homer, an emerald-eyed,little �copter is �born� in the factory, and given to the wise Elsa to raise. But the mischievous Homer disobeys his mother by zigging and zagging in every direction. Elsa enrolls him in flight school, where instructor Hank teaches Homer the correct way to fly. Homer earns his wings, and becomes a touring helicopter at the Grand Canyon, taking children on rollicking, cliff-hanging rides! Homer�s nemesis, Baldazar, the eagle, viciously attacks the �copter. Homer is jealous of Baldazar�s skills, and takes his controls away from Hank, following the eagle into the canyon�s bottom. Homer and Hank suffer a horrifying crash in the raging river! Instructor Jennie ultimately meets the wrecked �copter and has him repaired. Under Jennie�s tutelage Homer matures, graduating into An Air Ambulance Chopper. � Danger, pitfalls, excitement and heartfelt love abound throughout this delightful, entertaining and educational chapter book.
On Creative Writing
There are several aspects to writing fiction. Rendering what John Gardner in The Art of Fiction describes as a �vivid and continuous dream� is a complicated affair. Story is created from the imagination of a writer, who in turn must translate it onto a page of symbols so that another person can read, absorb, and experience the story in a similar fashion. It�s a remarkable process when you think about it. So, are you up for the challenge or is the writer�s quintessential question nipping away inside: Do I have the talent?
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