Basic Cryptanalysis
Basic Cryptanalysis
Modern Cryptography (P. Rogaway)
Modern Cryptography (P. Rogaway)
Cryptography and Cryptanalysis Lecture Notes (A. Lysyanskaya)
Cryptography and Cryptanalysis Lecture Notes (A. Lysyanskaya)
Foundations of Cryptography (O. Goldreich)
Foundations of Cryptography (O. Goldreich)
An Introduction to Cryptography
An Introduction to Cryptography
An Introduction to Cryptography Mirror
An Introduction to Cryptography Mirror
Public Key Cryptanalysis Using Algebraic and Lattice Methods (G. Durfee)
Public Key Cryptanalysis Using Algebraic and Lattice Methods (G. Durfee)
Handbook of Financial Cryptography and Security
The Handbook of Financial Cryptography and Security elucidates the theory and techniques of cryptography and illustrates how to establish and maintain security under the framework of financial cryptography. It applies various cryptographic techniques to auctions, electronic voting, micropayment systems, digital rights, financial portfolios, routing networks, and more.
In the first part, the book examines blind signatures and other important cryptographic techniques with respect to digital cash/e-cash. It also looks at the role of cryptography in auctions and voting, describes properties that can be required of systems implementing value exchange, and presents methods by which selected receivers can decrypt signals sent out to everyone.
The second section begins with a discussion on lowering transaction costs of settling payments so that commerce can occur at the sub-penny level. The book then addresses the challenge of a system solution for the protection of intellectual property, before presenting an application of cryptography to financial exchanges and markets.
Exploring financial cryptography in the real world, the third part discusses the often-complex issues of phishing, privacy and anonymity, and protecting the identity of objects and users.
With a focus on human factors, the final section considers whether systems will elicit or encourage the desired behavior of the participants of the system. It also explains how the law and regulations impact financial cryptography.
In the real world, smart and adaptive adversaries employ all types of means to circumvent inconvenient security restraints. This useful handbook provides answers to general questions about the field of financial cryptography as well as solutions to specific real-world security problems.
Introduction to Cryptography - Principles and Applications (Second Edition)
�Due to the rapid growth of digital communication and electronic data exchange, information security has become a crucial issue in industry, business, and administration. Modern cryptography provides essential techniques for securing information and protecting data.
Guide to Elliptic Curve Cryptography (Springer Professional Computing)
A broad-ranging expository guidebook on EEC cryptosystems and technology, written by leading EEC researchers and authorities. All aspects of the topic are clearly presented (accessible technical level, i.e., B.S. degree), with plenty of supporting real-world examples. An essential reference for practitioners or professionals in computer science, computer engineering, network design, and network/data security, as well as a useful self-study resource for researchers.
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