GT 3.9.5 Java WS Core : System Administrator's Guide
This guide contains advanced configuration information for system administrators working with Java WS Core. It provides references to information on procedures typically performed by system administrators, including installation, configuring, deploying, and testing the installation.
JavaScript 1.5 Specification
The third, and most recent, revision of the ECMAScript standard; corresponds to JavaScript 1.5.
The Ugly JavaScript Book
JavaScript is constantly evolving as the folks at Netscape� keep improving and and adding new features to this client-side processing language.
So there may be new features of JavaScript not included in this text. You can keep up with those at Netscape's� web site.
JavaScript Guide
JavaScript is a compact, object-based scripting language for developing client and server Internet applications. Netscape Navigator interprets JavaScript statements embedded in an HTML page, and LiveWire enables you to create server-based applications similar to Common Gateway Interface (CGI) programs. This book describes the JavaScript language and its use in Navigator. For information on developing server-based JavaScript applications, see the LiveWire Developer's Guide.
JavaScript 2.0
JavaScript 2.0 is an experimental proposal maintained by waldemar for future changes in the JavaScript language. The eventual language may differ significantly from this proposal, but the goal is to move in the directions indicated here and do so via a coordinated plan rather than adding miscellaneous features ad hoc on a release-by-release basis.
JScript Fundamentals
These sections provide information about the basic elements that comprise JScript.
Introduction to Regular Expressions (Scripting)
These sections introduce the concept of regular expressions and explain how to create and use them.
While each topic stands on its own, it is recommended that you peruse these topics sequentially to develop the best understanding of the material. Many topics rely upon the understanding of a feature or concept that was introduced in a previous topic in the sequence.
VBScript User's Guide
The VBScript User's Guide includes the following sections which explain the concept of VBScript and how to use it.
VBScript Language Reference
The following sections include information about the elements that comprise the VBScript language.
The JavaTrademarked Web Services Tutorial
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