Mac OS X Tiger In Pictures
This book helps beginners learn how to use computers running Mac OS X Tiger. It includes sections on using the Web and email.
Linspire Five-O In Pictures
This book helps beginners learn how to use computers running Linspire Five-O. It includes sections on using the Web and email.
Palm Devices In Pictures
This book helps beginners learn how to use devices that run the Palm operating system, such as handheld PDAs and cell phone/organizer hybrids.
Excel 2003 In Pictures
This book helps beginners learn to create and use Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
Word 2003 In Pictures
This book helps beginners learn to create documents using Microsoft Word.
Publisher 2003 In Pictures
This book helps beginners learn to create brochures, newsletters, and other documents using Microsoft Publisher
Introduction to Microsoft Office 2003 10 Minute Guide
Get 10 Minute Guide to Microsoft Office 2003 from QUE publishing for free to quickly learn how to use Office task panes, customize your Office applications, use the Office web integration features, and migrate from your older version of Microsoft Office to the 2003 edition.
NT Server 4.0 Networking Guide
Welcome to the Microsoft� Windows NT� Server Resource Kit: Windows NT Server Networking Guide.
The Microsoft Windows NT Server Resource Kit for version 4.0 consists of three new volumes and a single compact disc (CD) containing programs for both Windows NT Workstation and Windows NT Server. An online version of the new, comprehensive Windows NT Workstation Resource Guide is also available on the CD. Update books for the Windows NT Server Resource Kit will be released on a semi-annual basis. They will contain new information and major revisions of existing topics.
MS Windows NT Server 4.0 Internet Guide
Microsoft, MS, ActiveX, BackOffice, MS-DOS, MSN, Visual FoxPro, Windows, and Windows NT are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.AppleTalk and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.AS/400, DB2, OS/2, RPG/400, and VM/ESA are registered trademarks and ES/9000 is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.DEC, Digital Alpha Systems, PATHWORKS, and VMS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation
An Architecture for Combinator Graph Reduction (TIGRE)
The results of cache-simulation experiments with an abstract machine for reducing combinator graphs are presented.
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