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Microsoft Access 2003 Tutorial

EBook NameMicrosoft Access 2003 Tutorial
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Ebook Added On Added On: 29-Oct-2010
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EBook Category Category: Access

EBook Description: Microsoft Access is powerful software designed for PC. It allows you to create and manage databases. A database is an organized body of related information that is arranged for ease and speed of search and retrieval. Some of the examples of databases are: Jerome Library online catalogue, telephone directories, address books, cookbooks, tour books, etc. Most BGSU offices and departments work with Access as their database application. The examples in this tutorial present common features of databases used on campus.

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* Quickly start a new database by using the Database Wizard.
* Create tables from scratch or by using a Wizard.
* Add and edit database information by using both tables and forms.
* Manipulate data in a number of tables by using queries and reports.

Access 2003 for Starters: Exactly What You Need to Get Started

Maybe you got Access as part of Microsoft Office and wonder what it can do for you and your household; maybe you're a small business manager and don't have a techie on staff to train the office in Microsoft Access. Regardless, you want to quickly get your feet wet--but not get in over your head--and Access 2003 for Starters: The Missing Manual is the book to make it happen.
Far more than a skimpy introduction but much less daunting than a weighty tech book, Access 2003 for Starters: The Missing Manual demystifies databases and explains how to design and create them with ease. It delivers everything you need--and nothing you don't--to use Access right away. It's your expert guide to the Access features that are most vital and most useful, and it's your trusted advisor on the more in-depth features that are best saved for developers and programmers.

Access is sophisticated and powerful enough for professional developers but easy and practical enough for everyday users like you. This Missing Manual explains all the major features of Access 2003, including designing and creating databases, organizing and filtering information, and generating effective forms and reports.

Bestselling authors, database designers, and programmers Scott Palmer, Ph.D., and Kate Chase are your guides for putting the world's most popular desktop data management program to work. Their clear explanations, step-by-step instructions, plenty of illustrations, and timesaving advice help you get up to speed quickly and painlessly.

Whether you're just starting out or you know you've been avoiding aspects of the program and missing out on much of what it can do, this friendly, witty book will gently immerse you in Microsoft Access. Keep it handy, as you'll undoubtedly refer to it again and again.

Beginning Access 2003 VBA

What is this book about?
Written by an Access programmer with more than 10 years of VBA experience, this is the perfect guide for Access users who are ready to take their databases to the next level, or for programmers who are new to Access or VBA. Veteran Access developer Denise Gosnell shows readers the ins and outs of Access VBA and provides plenty of source code, and fully developed sample applications to guide you along the way.

Not only do readers learn to build ?stand-alone? desktop applications, but readers also learn how to integrate Access applications with Web Services, and SQL Server.

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