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The Hacker Crackdown
This is a pretty good disclaimer, as such disclaimers go. I collect intellectual-property disclaimers, and I've seen dozens of them, and this one is at least pretty straightforward. In this narrow and particular case, however, it isn't quite accurate. Bantam Books puts that disclaimer on every book they publish, but Bantam Books does not, in fact, own the electronic rights to this book. I do, because of certain extensive contract maneuverings my agent and I went through before this book was written. I want to give those electronic publishing rights away through certain not- for-profit channels, and I've convinced Bantam that this is a good idea.
The Zope Book (2.6 Edition)
Welcome to The Zope Book. This book is designed to introduce you to Zope, the open source web application server.
Anonymous User - Dec. 10, 2003 9:50 am:
Since the introduction of TAL and TALES plus METAL, much of the text is
from programmers to programmers. Plan to learn Python.
Anonymous User - Aug. 17, 2004 3:14 am:
Zope Documentation still needs work!
Here's well-written, well-organized documentation that the Zope authors can
use for inspiration:
Anonymous User - Sep. 4, 2004 10:29 am:
Entire books are being made available to you online! Reading documentation
is a skill. Nothing prevents you from taking ownership, or from taking
responsibility for the maintenance and development of open source projects
and their documentation.
Anonymous User - Dec. 15, 2004 9:58 am:
If Comments are distracting, they may be toggled OFF by the reader. See
top top of screen.
Anonymous User - June 22, 2005 10:27 pm:
Anonymous User - June 28, 2005 8:22 am:
Try this page against http://validator.w3c.org/.
The result says it all really. You guys just aren't serious, are you?
Anonymous User - June 28, 2005 8:26 am:
even http://www.zope.org/ fails to validate although it claims to be XHTML 1.0 Transitional
To make effective use of the book, you should know how to use a web browser and you should have a basic understanding of HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) and URLs (Uniform Resource Locators). You don't need to be a highly-skilled programmer in order to use Zope, but some programming background (particularly object-oriented programming) will be extremely helpful.
AppleScript Language Guide
This document is a complete guide to the AppleScript language. It is intended for use with AppleScript version 1.3.4 or later and Mac OS 8.5.1 or later, although some descriptions and examples may work with earlier versions.
Compiler Construction using Flex and Bison
A computer constructed from actual physical devices is termed an actual computer or hardware computer. From the programming point of view, it is the instruction set of the hardware that defines a machine. An operating system is built on top of a machine to manage access to the machine and to provide additional services. The services provided by the operating system constitute another machine, a virtual machine.
Open Source Development with CVS
This is a set of free, online chapters about using CVS (Concurrent Versions System) for collaboration and version control. It covers everything from CVS installation and basic concepts all the way to advanced usage and administration. It is intended for anyone who uses or plans to use CVS.
How to Design ProgramsAn Introduction to Computing and Programming
A computer's language of instruction and information is a PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. Information expressed in a programming language is called DATA. There are many flavors of data. Numbers are one class of data. Number series belong to the class of COMPOUND DATA, because each series is made up of other pieces of smaller pieces of data, namely, numbers. To contrast the two kinds of data, we also call numbers ATOMIC DATA. Letters are other examples of atomic data; family trees are compound data.
Operating Systems
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Computer Structures Readings amp; Examples
This book is a better way to know about computer architecture.
An introduction to information theory and entropy
its nice book on information theory and entropy. u can get more information if u go through this link
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Tutorial
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A Data Foundation For The National Spatial Data Infrastructure (1995) - Free eBook A Data Foundation For The National Spatial Data Infrastructure (1995) - Download ebook A Data Foundation For The National Spatial Data Infrastructure (1995) free