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Every day, headlines emphasise the impact that technology has on the manipulation of life. We all want to live longer, healthier, happier lives. To live at all costs and maintain life at all costs has become a popular aim. This book examines those costs; it probes the consequences of putting one's faith in science. It explores the belief that with science comes certainty. The use and misuse of implants, transplants, cloning, genetic manipulation, health care resources, birth and death control are debated in terms of the complex scientific, economic and ethical issues involved.
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In this intimate talk by the Dalai Lama at the Royal Albert Hall in London in 1999, His Holiness speaks of the need for an inner transformation as a prerequisite to a new and transformed outer world. With warmth, directness, and humour, he urges us to link individual happiness to an ethical vision of the world in which we care about others. Adopting an approach that blends realism and optimism, he recommends ways in which each of us can begin to make inner changes that will affect these problems.
?Some people are showing excitement about the new millennium, that the new millennium itself will bring new happy days. I think that?s wrong. Unless there is a new millennium inside, then the new millennium will not change much ? same days and nights, same sun and moon. The important thing is transformation, or new ways of thinking.? The Dalai Lama.
Information Assurance and Security Ethics in Complex Systems - Interdisciplinary Perspectives
The problems encountered in ensuring that modern computing systems are used appropriately cannot be solved with technology alone, nor can they be addressed independent of the underlying computational fabric. Instead, they require an informed, multidisciplinary approach, especially when considering issues of security, privacy, assurance, and crime. Information Assurance and Security Ethics in Complex Systems: Interdisciplinary Perspectives offers insight into social and ethical challenges presented by modern technology.
Aimed at students and practitioners in the rapidly growing field of information assurance and security, this book address issues of privacy, access, safety, liability and reliability in a manner that asks readers to think about how the social context is shaping technology and how technology is shaping social context and, in so doing, to rethink conceptual boundaries.
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