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Premium PowerPoint Templates

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Think about the most powerful speech you�ve ever heard a leader give. What made that speech�and that speaker�memorable was likely a mix of authenticity, stage presence, masterful delivery, and�above all�an inspirational message.

Nobody ever walked out of a great speech saying, �I loved the way she used PowerPoint.� Yet, all too often, speakers rely on tools like it to carry them through a presentation.

Real leaders speak to make a difference, to promote a vision, to change the way people think and feel and act. Their ability to lead goes hand in hand with their ability to get their message across, no matter what size audience they�re addressing. Drawing on his years of experience in coaching executives, Christopher Witt shows not just how to make a speech but why and when you should make one. His practical advice on how to take your game to the next level includes:

� You are the message. Who you are�your character, experience, values�shapes the message your listeners hear.
� Content is king. Delivery is important, but it is only the helpful�or unhelpful�servant of your message. So build each speech around one, and only one, �Big Idea.�
� A confused mind always says no. When you want your listeners to say yes, you�ve got to make them understand what you want them to do and why they should care.
� Dare to do the unexpected. Leaders know the rules, and they know when, why, and how to break them.

In chapters that can be read in five minutes or less and in a book that can be gone through in one sitting, Witt shows you how to become more confident, more commanding, more compelling speakers. But this isn�t just a book about speaking. It�s about leadership and about how people�CEOs and PTA presidents, small business owners and sales reps, middle managers and techno geeks�can present themselves and their ideas with greater impact.

PowerPoint Advanced Presentation Techniques

Get ready to motivate and excite your audience with your next PowerPoint presentation! This no-nonsense, jargon-free guide dives right in to show you all the exhilarating and powerful PowerPoint features that most people don�t even know exist. Packed with priceless information that steers clear of stating the obvious, this book provides technical tidbits, unique ideas, and invaluable tips on avoiding pitfalls, all of which will help you become a more effective and efficient PowerPoint user.

Powerpoint 2007 Step by Step

The smart way to learn Office PowerPoint 2007one step at a time! Work at your own pace through the easy numbered steps, practice files on CD, helpful hints, and troubleshooting help to master the fundamentals of working with the latest version of PowerPoint, including how to navigate the new, easy-to-use user interface. You will discover how to create presentation outlines, work with slide masters and slide designs, add graphics and drawings, and publish your presentations to the Web. Youll even learn how to add narrations and custom animationsand more! With Step by Step, you can take just the lessons you need or work from cover to cover. Either way, you drive the instruction!

Key Book Benefits
Learn how to use Office PowerPoint 2007 by taking just the lessons you need or by working from cover to cover--you set the pace
Includes coverage of all the fundamentals, including organizing slides and working with colors and graphics

Teach Yourself Visually PowerPoint 2010

Fast, easy way to get the very most out of PowerPoint 2010

Present your work in style in a PowerPoint presentation using the tips and techniques in this visual guide to PowerPoint 2010. It covers the basics, as well as all the exciting new changes and additions in a series of easy-to-follow, full-color, two-page tutorials. Learn how to create slides, dress them up using templates and graphics, add sound and animation, and more. If you're looking for a practical, "show me, don't tell me" guide to PowerPoint 2010, this is the book for you.

�Helps you create presentations with greater impact using PowerPoint 2010, the latest generation of Microsoft's presentation software; PowerPoint 2010 is part of the new Microsoft Office 2010 suite of products
�Introduces PowerPoint 2010's new features, including the new Reading View, new transitions tab, and a new screenshot function
�Shows you how to create slides, dress them up with templates and graphics, add sound and animation, and present in a business or Internet setting
�Features easy-to-follow, full-color, two-page tutorials
Add more power to your PowerPoint presentations with this practical guide.

Are you a visual learner? Do you prefer instructions that show you how to do something � and skip the long�winded explanations? If so, then this book is for you. Open it up and you′ll find clear, step�by�step screen shots that show you how to tackle more than 130 PowerPoint 2010 tasks. Each task�based spread covers a single technique, sure to help you get up and running on PowerPoint 2010 in no time.

You′ll learn to:

�Customize the Quick Access Toolbar

�Enter your content in an outline

�Insert media clips and SmartArt

�Apply themes to selected slides

�Make duplicate slides

�Set up and run a slide show

�Two�page lessons break big topics into bite�sized modules

�Succinct explanations walk you through step by step

�Full�color screen shots demonstrate each task

�Helpful sidebars offer practical tips and tricks

PowerPoint 2010 Bible

Master PowerPoint and improve your presentation skills-with one book! It's no longer enough to have slide after slide of text, bullets, and charts. It's not even enough to have good speaking skills if your PowerPoint slides bore your audience. Get the very most out of all that PowerPoint 2010 has to offer while also learning priceless tips and techniques for making good presentations in this new PowerPoint 2010 Bible. Well-known PowerPoint expert and author Faithe Wempen provides formatting tips; shows you how to work with drawings, tables, and SmartArt; introduces new collaboration tools; walks you through five special presentation labs; and more.
Coverage includes: # A First Look at PowerPoint # What Makes a Great Presentation? # Creating and Saving Presentation Files # Creating Slides and Text Boxes # Working with Layouts, Themes, and Masters # Formatting Paragraphs and Text Boxes # Correcting and Improving Text # Creating and Formatting Tables # Drawing and Formatting Objects # Creating SmartArt Diagrams # Using and Organizing Clip Art # Working with Photographic Images # Working with Charts # Incorporating Content from Other Programs # Adding Sound Effects, Music, and Soundtracks # Incorporating Motion Video # Creating Animation Effects and Transitions # Creating Support Materials # Preparing for a Live Presentation # Designing User-Interactive or Self-Running Presentations # Preparing a Presentation for Mass Distribution # Sharing and Collaborating # Customizing PowerPoint # Presenting Content Without Bulleted Lists # Adding Sound and Movement to a Presentation # Creating a Menu-Based Navigation System # Creating a Classroom Game It's the book you need to succeed with PowerPoint 2010 and your next live presentation!

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Get the guide that makes learning Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 plain and simple! This full color, no-nonsense book shows you the quickest ways to solve problems and learn the tools, using easy-to-follow steps and concise, straightforward language. You�ll discover new and exciting ways to create and share dynamic presentations with any audience.

How to Do Everything with Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

Get a quick start making your first presentation, or gain valuable insight into producing more professional presentations. How to Do Everything with Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 teaches essentials in a well-organized format, featuring best practices from real-world examples and plenty of practical advice from a seasoned author and PowerPoint devotee. Learn to prepare slide shows featuring animation, sound, graphics, and even video clips. Edit and format text, add graphs and diagrams, and include multimedia and hyperlinks. This helpful resource delivers everything you'll need to get started, organize your content, and add all the finishing touches to make your presentations jump off the screen.

PowerPoint 2010 Essential Training

In PowerPoint 2010 Essential Training, author David Diskin demonstrates how to engage an audience with images, video, sound, charts, and diagrams in professional presentations. The course also covers a variety of methods to share presentations with others, and provides comprehensive tutorials on how to design presentations that successfully deliver a quality message. Exercise files accompany the course. Topics include:

* Using the Office 2010 Backstage View
* Using and customizing the Office 2010 ribbon
* Starting a presentation from scratch
* Applying slide layouts for consistency
* Rearranging slides
* Running a presentation for an audience
* Formatting with font, color, bullets, and alignment
* Adding and customizing photos, clip art, shapes, audio, and video
* Applying picture effects such as background removal, brightness, and color effects
* Modifying slide masters
* Adding a logo to the background
* Adding and customizing tables, charts, diagrams, and data from Excel
* Printing a presentation
* Sharing a presentation with others through video, the web, SharePoint, and PDF

PowerPoint 2007 Graphics and Animation Made Easy

Get beyond the basics with PowerPoint 2007 Take your PowerPoint skills to the next level with help from this highly visual, easy-to-follow guide. PowerPoint 2007 Graphics Animation Made Easy shows you how to enhance your presentations with everything from bullets and tables to dynamic slides that come to life on the screen. You�ll learn to use the latest tools and techniques such as WordArt, SmartArt, charts, audio, and motion graphics.

Discover how easy it is to build professional presentations with rich images, special effects, and high-impact animations that will capture your audience�s attention every time you present. Design unique layouts customized for your needs Create memorable photo albums with captions, textures, and themes Add and manipulate clip art Display data in graphically rich tables and charts Enhance text with fills, outlines, and artistic effects using WordArt Highlight important points, people, and objects with shapes Transform content into dynamic graphics using SmartArt Add punch to your presentations with movies and sound Create custom animations and impressive special effects Import Excel content quickly and easily into PowerPoint slides.

PowerPoint Tips

PowerPoint Tips. design Keys for Classroom Presentations. Inclusiveness. Typography.
Design. Serif vs. Sans Serif. Serif fonts are the font styles like ...
Content Inside: Be Free To Teach PowerPoint Tips Presentations design Keys for Classroom Inclusiveness Typography Design
Serif vs. Sans Serif Serif fonts are the font styles like Times New Roman or Georgia that have serifs or "tails" at the ends
of the lines. These tails help the letters fit together into words. Serif fonts tend to have a personal, humanistic
character. Use serif fonts to "involve" readers with the body of your text. Fonts such as Arial and Verdana that have no
tails are called Sans Serif. "Sans" is French for "without." Sans Serif fonts tend to have a technical, impersonal character.
Use sans-serif tolend authority to your text. Use Serif fonts for large amounts of text (such as body copy) and San Serif
fonts for headlines and labels. If you mix typefaces, choose two that visually contrast. An excellent combo is Arial Bold for
headlines and Times New Roman bold for body text. Color Make your font

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