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Digital Storytelling - A Creators Guide to Interactive Entertainment

EBook NameDigital Storytelling - A Creators Guide to Interactive Entertainment
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EBook Category Category: Storytelling

EBook Description: The first professional book to explore and analyze digital storytelling across interactive media and genresthis book examines how digital storytelling draws on classic narrative techniques and utilizes interactive digital technologies to create todays entertainment. Digital Storytelling explains key strategies for conveying narrative through digital technologies, based on personal experience and numerous case studies, pring project managers, interactive content designers, and writers with the tools necessary for planning a successful interactive project, including ideas for product development and conceptualization.

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Tired of the dry rudimentary guidebooks that ignore the art of telling compelling video stories Video Shooter takes you to a new level of competence and expertise by presenting the camera as a potent storytelling tool. Sure, you will learn the basics of HD formats, the fundamentals of compression and color space, but only so much as these technical areas serve your craft, which includes more fundamentally camera placement and eyeline, choice of lens focal length and the power of the triangle in creating powerful compositions. Throughout the book you will come to understand the master shooter�s guiding principle, that story is the conduit through which all creative and technical decisions flow.

Humorous and opinionated, the author provides insightful anecdotes and tutorials that help you learn the video shooter�s craft. While the book focuses primarily on how to get the most out of your entry- and mid-level P2, XDCAM, and AVCHD camcorder, the principles and lessons covered such as shooting for green screen and understanding point of view apply just as well to video shooters and storytellers of any level. As apprenticeships in the industry have largely disappeared, aspiring shooters and film students have had to seek alternative sources for training and guidance. In Video Shooter, you will find a master teacher offering perceptive lessons with a healthy dose of inspiration; these pages are as close to a living and breathing mentor as one can get in a printed form. Hundreds of full-color photos and illustrations present the many lessons throughout the book.

* Engaging and informative, veteran shooter Barry Braverman shares the craft and emotion of constructing compelling visual stories with HD cameras.
* Explores the video storyteller�s window on the world, the use of perspective and choice of lens, the crafting of close-ups, control of depth of field and recommended use of cine lenses and adapters.
* Considers the art of tweaking the HD image through proper camera setup, supplemental glass filters and postproduction software to control noise, contrast and detail level.
* Covers the latest tapeless technologies and workflow from recording to flash memory and optical disc to outputting to DVD, Blu-ray and the Web.
* Companion website offers tutorials, bonus illustrations, equipment reviews, tips and tricks, a reader�s help line and the author�s blog.
* Hundreds of full-color photos and illustrations present the many lessons throughout the book.
* Engaging and informative, veteran shooter Barry Braverman shares the craft and emotion of constructing compelling visual stories with HD cameras.
* Explores the video storyteller�s window on the world, the use of perspective and choice of lens, the crafting of close-ups, control of depth of field and recommended use of cine lenses and adapters.
* Considers the art of tweaking the HD image through proper camera setup, supplemental glass filters and postproduction software to control noise, contrast and detail level.
* Covers the latest tapeless technologies and workflow from recording to flash memory and optical disc to outputting to DVD, Blu-ray and the Web.
* Companion website offers tutorials, bonus illustrations, equipment reviews, tips and tricks, a reader�s help line and the author�s blog.

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