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In observational studies, investigators have no control over the treatment assignment. The treated and non-treated (that is, control) groups may have largedi?erencesontheir observedcovariates, and these di?erencescanleadto biased estimates of treatmente?ects. Even traditional covariance analysis adjust- mentsmaybe inadequate to eliminate this bias. The propensity score, defined as the conditional probability of being treated given thecovariates, can be used to balance the covariatesin the two groups, and therefore reduce this bias. In order to estimate the propensity score, one must model the distribution of the treatment indicator variable given the observedcovariates. Once estimated the propensity score can be used to reduce bias through matching, stratification (subclassification), regression adjustment, or some combination of all three. In this tutorial we discuss the uses of propensity score methods for bias reduction, give references to the literature and illustrate the uses through applied examples. (1998 John Wiley&Sons, Ltd. INTRODUCTION Observational studies occur frequently in medical research. In these studies, investigators have no control over the treatment assignment.
Basic Organic Chemistry
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American Literary Centers
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The Victorian Novel (Bloom's Period Studies) Book
Comprehensive critical views of the major literary movements in Western literary history - now available in paperback First time in paperback Dickens, Hardy, Eliot... this volume focuses on the development of the Victorian novel through the second half of the 19th century.
Greek Drama (Bloom's Period Studies)s Book
Four new titles in the series of comprehensive critical overviews of major literary movements in Western literary history The art of drama developed in the ancient Greek city-state of Athens from the late sixth century B.C. From religious chants honouring the gods and Greece's mythical past grew an entirely new art form.
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