Fundamentals Of Data Structures |
Fundamentals Of Data Structures
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Category: Gate eBooks
EBook Description: Designed to function as a textbook or as a professional reference, "Fundamentals of Data Structures in C" provides in-depth coverage of all aspects of data structure implementation in ANSI C. The book goes beyond the standard fare of stacks, queues, and lists to offer such features as afull chapter on search structures and a discussion of advanced tree structures. Recent data structure innovations rarelv found in other texts are presented, including Fibonacci Heaps, Splay Trees, Red-Black Trees, 2-3 Trees, 2-3-4 Trees, Leftist Trees, Binokcal Heaps, Min-Max Heaps, and Deaps
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Database management has evolved from a specialized computer application to a central component of a modern computing environment, and, as a result, knowl- edge about database systems has become an essential part of an education in com- puter science. In this text, we present the fundamental concepts of database manage- ment. These concepts include aspects of database design, database languages, and database-system implementation. This text is intended for a first course in databases at the junior or senior under- graduate, or first-year graduate, level. In addition to basic material for a first course, the text contains advanced material that can be used for course supplements, or as introductory material for an advanced course. We assume only a familiarity with basic data structures, computer organization, and a high-level programming language such as Java, C, or Pascal. We present con- cepts as intuitive descriptions, many of which are based on our running example of a bank enterprise. Important theoretical results are covered, but formal proofs are omitted. The bibliographical notes contain pointers to research papers in which re- sults were first presented and proved, as well as references to material for further reading. In place of proofs, figures and examples are used to suggest why a result is true. The fundamental concepts and algorithms covered in the book are often based on those used in existing commercial or experimental database systems. Our aim is to present these concepts and algorithms in a general setting that is not tied to one particular database system. Details of particular commercial database systems are discussed in Part 8, "Case Studies." In this fourth edition of Database System Concepts, we have retained the overall style of the first three editions, while addressing the evolution of database management. Several new chapters have been added to cover new technologies. Every chapter has been edited, and most have been modified extensively. We shall describe the changes in detail shortly.
Networks And Systems
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Mark Allen Weiss' innovative approach to algorithms and data structures teaches the simultaneous development of sound analytical and programming skills for the advanced data structures course. Readers learn how to reduce time constraints and develop programs efficiently by analyzing the feasibility of an algorithm before it is coded. The C++ language is brought up-to-date and simplified, and the Standard Template Library is now fully incorporated throughout the text. This Third Edition also features significantly revised coverage of lists, stacks, queues, and trees and an entire chapter dedicated to amortized analysis and advanced data structures such as the Fibonacci heap. Known for its clear and friendly writing style, Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ is logically organized to cover advanced data structures topics from binary heaps to sorting to NP-completeness. Figures and examples illustrating successive stages of algorithms contribute to Weiss' careful, rigorous and in-depth analysis of each type of algorithm.
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Gate Paper Chemistry
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GATE Solved Paper ( EC)
This book contains topicwise solved papers of GATE of Electronics & Communication Engineering. This book contains tricky solutions and explanations.
Electronics & Telecommunnication Engg.
1. Complete Theory with illustrations 2. Covers all course fundamentals. 3. Perfect aid of better score. 4. Ideal for self study. 5.Previous years solved papers. 6. Practice papers based on latest patten of GATE. 7. Clear explanation of all problem & objective Type questions.
Electronics & Telecommunnication Engg.
1. Complete Theory with illustrations 2. Covers all course fundamentals. 3. Perfect aid of better score. 4. Ideal for self study. 5.Previous years solved papers. 6. Practice papers based on latest patten of GATE. 7. Clear explanation of all problem & objective Type questions.
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