The Linux Cookbook: Tips and Techniques for Everyday Use
That explains the premise of the book -- it's a hands-on guide to getting things done on a Linux system, designed for the everyday user who is not necessarily a computer programmer.
Linux Device Drivers
This is, on the surface, a book about writing device drivers for the Linux system. That is a worthy goal, of course; the flow of new hardware products is not likely to slow down anytime soon, and somebody is going to have to make all those new gadgets work with Linux.
Linux Installation and Getting Started
Linux Installation and Getting Started is a free document; you may reproduce and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 (or, at your option, any later version) of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Self-Service Linux: Mastering the Art of Problem Determination
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Slackware Linux Essentials
The Slackware Linux operating system is a powerful platform for Intel-based computers. It is designed to be stable, secure, and functional as both a high-end server and powerful workstation.
Motif Programming Manual
It is a source for complete, accurate, and insightful guidance on Motif application programming.
Programming Ruby
This book is a tutorial and reference for the Ruby programming language. Use Ruby, and you'll write better code, be more productive, and enjoy programming more
How to use Boost Test for automated testing
This Is short tutorial how to use automated testing within KDE. I started playing around with automated tests some time ago by adding some regression tests to my small KDE Edu application KBruch.
LINUX Gazette
Free Oline Information
Howto Set Up Multiple Network Schemes on a Linux Laptop
Redhat Linux comes with nifty GUI programs such as redhat-config-network which make it easy to configure one network. Debian comes with even better network configuration scripts, though they aren't GUI driven.
Linux Compute Clusters - Free eBook
Linux Compute Clusters - Download ebook
Linux Compute Clusters free