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From a Good Sales Call to a Great Sales Call: Close More by Doing What You Do Best

EBook NameFrom a Good Sales Call to a Great Sales Call: Close More by Doing What You Do Best
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EBook Category Category: Sales

EBook Description: When things don�t go well on a sales call, you probably ask yourself, �Why did I lose that sale?� . . . and then move on. But the question remains: Why did you lose that sale? Learning the answer can mean the difference between landing and losing the next sale. From a Good Sales Call to a Great Sales Call teaches you how to assess your strengths and weaknesses based on information you can get from the most qualified source available�the buyer. You�ll learn how to: * Approach postdecision prospects using best practices and proper etiquette * Design a comprehensive �debrief� questionnaire * Obtain more candid and accurate feedback from prospects * Identify important patterns in your techniques * Use what works and improve what doesn�t to close more sales than ever Filled with sample dialogs you can use with prospects, From a Good Sales Call to a Great Sales Call is neatly organized into eight easy-to-follow steps that take you through the whole process: Step 1. Discover the Benefits of Successfully Debriefing with Prospects Step 2. Understand the Postdecision Mind-Set of the Prospect Step 3. Recognize How Salespeople Can Inhibit the Feedback Process Step 4. Design a Prospect Debrief Questionnaire Step 5. Utilize Proven Interviewing Techniques for Conducting Debrief Calls Step 6. Identify and Analyze Your Win/Loss Trends Step 7. Benchmark Your Feedback Step 8. Implement the Right Techniques to Increase Your Close Rate Refreshingly direct and right to the point, this system is based on 12 years of research and thousands of sales prospect interviews. This comprehensive, powerful program leads to better sales techniques and increased close rates. In short, it works.

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* Pitch letters introducing a new product or service
* Letters that request referrals
* Referral marketing campaigns
* Pitch letters to the media
* Cold call sales letters
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Get Tons of Sales and Umpteen Email Subscribers

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In When Customers Talk, the third volume in his customer service series, Gross partners with consumer researcher Joe Pilotta from BIGresearch to draw conclusions for frontline retailers and managers based on the insights of 100,000 retail customers. This approachable, must-have guide offers detailed insights to help retailers learn how to anticipate customer needs and take advantage of emerging trends.

Written in an engaging style, and backed by statistical research, When Customers Talk helps retailers:
* Bridge the disconnect between retailers' and customers' attitudes.
* Ask the right questions to get answers that will make a difference.
* Turn the knowledge of customers' habits into sales.
* Leverage customers' loyalty for a lifetime relationship: heart, mind, and wallet.
* Understand pricing and discounting to maximize profits.
* Tap into technology to avoid being blindsided by changes.

With customer insight "straight from the horse's mouth," retail managers disregard this information at their peril!

CR James � Amazing Sales Pursuasion

Dear Friend

I�m not a copywriter, but I do have a unique philosophy in regards to persuasion�

I believe that if you want to be really effective at persuasion (or anything),
you have to learn from Multiple View Points�

For example, when I was first employed as a tire salesman (go ahead and laugh)
I had zero sales experience�

So I asked other tire salesmen for their �tips� and �tricks��

Then I asked car salesmen for their �tips� and �tricks��

Then I asked car Real Estate Agents for their �tips� and �tricks��

I asked many different types of salesmen�

Then in just a few weeks I was the #1 salesmen in the region.

And in just a few months I became the #1 salesmen in the nation (for this multi-million dollar company) Click here for proof. � This was one of two sheets I actually saved.

Multiple View Points: If you want to become great at persuasion, you must study many different types of Persuasion Experts

That�s the reason I decided to take it a step further and get the tips and tricks from the world�s finest (according to my �never to be revealed� screening process)

So now that I have finally made these �consulting sessions� public, you will also get a chance to discover the secrets from:

* TOP-NOTCH Professional Direct Response Copywriters
* TOP-NOTCH Persuasion Specialists
* TOP-NOTCH Certified Hypnosis Experts
* TOP-NOTCH Sales Authors
* TOP-NOTCH Internet Marketers
* TOP-NOTCH Sales Coaches
* TOP-NOTCH MLM Network Marketing Experts
* TOP-NOTCH Certified Master NLP (Neural Linguistic Programming) Experts

All in one huge 110 page manual� (which has been my personal �secret playbook� because I use it for many areas of life)

And now you�ll have access to it�

�Who Are These Experts And Why Should
I Listen To Them�

Expert 1: David Barron, cHt, mNlp
Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Master Practitioner of NLP (Neural Linguistic Programming), Speaker

Why you should apply everything that you are going to learn from David:

* David Barron is a certified master practitioner of NLP and Certified Hypnotherapist who studied with Kenrick Cleveland and Mark Cunningham.
* A member of the National Guild of Hypnotist, he has over 15 years of experience in the field of Hypnosis and NLP.
* He has taught many courses and workshops in the field of persuasion and has been a guest speaker in communications related areas.

Expert 2: Keith Livingston, mNlp, CH, CI
Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Master NLP (Neural Linguistic Programming), Certified Hypnosis Instructor

Why you should apply everything that you are going to learn from Keith:

* Keith has certifications as an NLP Practitioner from the NLP Learning Center and as an NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner from Bennett/Stellar University
* He also has additional certificates in Advanced Communication Skills
* Mr. Livingston has participated in developing and writing several college-level courses from the ground up and teaching those same courses at a nationally accredited college.
* Keith has spent the last several years training hundreds of people to become hypnotherapists and NLP Master Practitioners; from 16 countries on 5 continents.

Expert 3: Judy Cullins
Web Marketer, Book Coach, Lecturer on Book Writing, Publishing and Selling

Why you should apply everything that you are going to learn from Judy:Book Coaching Experience

* Gives 90 book writing/promotion seminars yearly! 41 clients published since 1999!

* Has authored 30 self-help books, writing books, eBooks, and special reports!

* Has sold over 150,000 self-help books and writing books

Expert 4: Christian E. Mickelsen, mNlp
Certified Hypno-therpist, Certified Master NLP (Neural Linguistic Programming), Personal & Professional Coach, Internet Entrepreneur

Why you should apply everything that you are going to learn from Christian:

* Christian creates ground-breaking new strategies and solutions for business owners on a regular basis to stay on the �bleeding edge� of business owner success.
* He has worked one-on-one with over 100 business owners and hundreds of other individuals to enable them to produce dramatic results in their business, in their sales, and in their lives!
* Christian mentors are Anthony Robbins, Brian Tracy, John Gray, Deepak Chopra, and Gen. Norman Schwartzkoff, to name a few.
* Christian is a certified Master Practitioner of NLP (neuro- linguistic-programming), Hypnotherapy, and personal/professional coaching, giving clients the edge to perform at their best, create powerful strategies, and overcome anything that may be standing in their way!

Expert 5: Dr. Joe Rubino
Self Made Network Marketing Millionaire, Best Selling Author, Success Coach

Why you should apply everything that you are going to learn from Dr. Joe:

* Joseph S. Rubino D.M.D. is an internationally acclaimed personal development trainer, success coach and best selling author.
* He has extensive experience in both developing training materials, facilitating established programs and developing new programs.
* He is known for his work in leadership and management development, listening and communication skills, coaching, consulting, team building and conflict resolution.
* His vision is to personally impact the lives of twenty million people to be the best that they can be and to shift the paradigm around resignation, that is that anyone can affect positive change in their own lives and in the lives of others if they believe they can.

Expert 6: Wendi Friesen, CHT
Certified Hypnotherpist, Persuasion Specialist, Speaker

Why you should apply everything that you are going to learn from Wendi:

* Wendi is the owner of the Number One Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy site on the planet. She appeared on many local and national TV and radio shows.
* Wendi is a well know international speaker and trainer, and conducts trainings and seminars in Europe , UK , and USA .
* In addition to her sales training for business, she was hired by a Minister of Foreign Affairs to achieve greater confidence and sharpen his mental strategies.

Expert 7: Jim Meisenheimer
Certified Speaking Professional, Former Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Baxter International

Why you should apply everything that you are going to learn from Jim:

* Jim Meisenheimer, Inc. has achieved 16 consecutive years of increased sales and profitability.
* He has earned the designation CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) from the National Speakers Association. He is a charter member of Master Speakers International. He has authored five books including the recently published �57 Ways To Take Control Of Your Time And Your Life.�
* He has worked with 456 different organizations . Last year 68% of his sales training business was repeat business.

Expert 8: Yanik Silver
Internet Marketer, Direct Response Copywriter, Lecturer on Marketing and Copywriting

Why you should apply everything that you are going to learn from Yanik:

* Starting from scratch he banked over $51,351.94 in his first 6 � months online!
* Yanik Silver is recognized as the leading expert on creating automatic, moneymaking web sites � and he�s only been online full time since February 2000!
* His Internet success techniques only require a simple web site and you don�t even need to know how to put up your own web page. (In fact, Yanik still doesn�t know HTML).

Expert 9: Steven Hall, M.C.o.H
Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner, Color Therapist, Body Language Expert

Why you should listen to and apply everything that Steven is going to tell you?

* Steven�s success in the sales environment earned him national recognition where he set numerous company records.
* Aside from being an accomplished hypnotist, Steven is also an NLP practitioner, Color Therapist, body language expert and a Spiritual Healer.
* He approaches sales from a rather unique and spiritual angle; this compliments his ethical approach to sales, making productive uses of energy work and meditation to further his success.

Expert 10: Harmony Major
Internet Marketer, Infopreneur Consultant

Why you should apply everything that you are going to learn from Harmony:

* Harmony�s relentless commitment to serving her clients is easily shown with her razor sharp honesty.
* Harmony specializes in assisting micro-business site owners and affiliates on increasing their productivity and promoting their websites a lot faster, with the use of aggressive, tightly-focused, power-marketing strategies to quickly and steadily increase their profit.
* She has been mentored over the years by several �Internet Marketing Greats� such as Monique Harris, Terry Dean, Tony Blake, and Mark Joyner

Expert 11: Fred Stege
Network Marketing Specialist, Author (Recruit Your Way to Millions)

Why you should apply everything that you are going to learn from Fred:

* Fred possesses an amazing grasp on duplicatability and the ability to develop �turnkey� concepts. He is in the network marketing industry which means you have to develop a well trained sales army.
* He philosophy is if he uses �sophisticated methods the majority cannot follow� they will eventually �drop out�. As a result he has developed easy-to-follow concepts that anyone can understand and use to make money.
* Fred has learned from the masters like Jim Rohn, Larry Thompson, Mark Hughes and lots and lots of others including his downline.
* He believes that you must surround yourself with people better than you, to keep sharp and learn every day.

Expert 12: Kevin Hogan
Professional Motivational Speaker, Influence, Persuasion, Selling, Body Language, Mind Power

Why you should apply everything that you are going to learn from Kevin:

* Kevin is a dynamic, well-known international motivational public speaker, consultant and corporate trainer.
* Kevin is the author of eleven books, including The Psychology of Persuasion and Irresistible Attraction.
* He has become the go-to resource for analyzing key White House figures. Hogan teaches Persuasion and Influence at the University of St. Thomas Management Center

Expert 13: Alan Forrest Smith
UK �s Number One Direct Response Copywriter, Motivational Speaker, Marketer

Why you should apply everything that you are going to learn from Alan:

* Alan�s background as a copywriter is unique. He started business when he was around 10 years old and made cash doing it by painting old bikes.
* Since then, he�s had many businesses along the way. Because he has had NO formal education for business, this has given him a unique perspective in business and this has led to Alan becoming one of the most sought after copywriters in the UK ever.
* He understands from his own experience what makes people TICK and he understands that people NEVER buy products they buy solutions to a problem they are having.

The Ultimate Sales Machine

Chet Holmes helps his clients blow away both the competition and their own expectations. And his advice starts with one simple concept: focus! Instead of trying to master four thousand strategies to improve your business, zero in on the few essential skill areas that make the big difference.
The Ultimate Sales Machine shows you how to tune up and soup up virtually every part of your business by spending just an hour per week on each impact area you want to improve�sales, marketing, management, and more.

The Art of Mastering Sales Management

Today's corporations have changed their marketing processes to accommodate a world in which globalization, lower margins, and longer hours have become the norm. This book examines events that changed the art of selling and offers hands-on techniques for sales personnel and management. The focus is on setting sales strategies, pring exemplary leadership, and developing the skill sets to successfully manage team initiatives and corporate growth plans. From the best of circumstance to the worst, this text addresses all aspects of managing, handling, and addressing sales personnel issues. The author presents creative problem solutions and offers a direct approach for motivating employees.

Selling: Powerful New Strategies for Sales Success

Product and service buyers are more educated than they've ever been. People tired long ago of "sales pitches". As a salesperson, you've already been through Sales 101. This book takes you there and beyond.

This book explores the cutting edge of persuasive selling. This book isn't for salespeople stuck in tradition, but those who embrace the new, and implement the strategies that will make them the superstars of tomorrow.

Unlike traditional sales books, you won't find canned closes or regurgitated and repackaged advice. You'll learn:

*How to buy back the sale

*Group strategies for mass influence

*The brutal truth about Value Driven Selling

*Sales Management secrets of today's Top Sales Managers

"I don't care how many sales books you've read in your life - I can guarantee you will walk away from this book with some deadly powerful new tactics you've never heard of. I did. The Praise/Criticism tactic alone is one of the most powerful ideas I've ever been presented." Mark Joyner, #1 Best-Selling Author of "Simpleology"

Summary: Encyclopedia of Sales
Rating: 5

What's so great about this book is the diversity of knowledge with all the different authors. They don't come more credible than Kevin Hogan and Dave Lakhani, both masters of pursuasion and sales. Gary May's chapters are worth the price of the book alone, you will spend hours taking notes on his ideas. Eliot Hoppe is incredible when it comes to his knowledge on being a sales manager. The other chapters add to your knowledge as a sales and persuasion professionals. This is a great book for selling today!

Summary: The road map for more sales
Rating: 5

This book is not the typical revision of what almost evry other sales book say. There are new tips and ways to help you as a sales person get more sales. I would give them to you but then reading the book would be out. If this book is not in your collection then add it. This book is worth at least 20 times its cover price.
If you ever get a chance to see any of the authors live in action go it will be more than worth it especially Kevin, Dave or Gary.

From a Good Sales Call to a Great Sales Call: Close More by Doing What You Do Best - Free eBook From a Good Sales Call to a Great Sales Call: Close More by Doing What You Do Best - Download ebook From a Good Sales Call to a Great Sales Call: Close More by Doing What You Do Best free

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