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The Busy Coder’s Guide to Android Development

EBook NameThe Busy Coder’s Guide to Android Development
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Ebook Added On Added On: 2-Mar-2011
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EBook Category Category: Android - Mobile OS

EBook Description: Android, the next-generation open mobile platform from Google and the Open Handset Alliance, is poised to become a significant player in the mobile device market. The Android platform gives developers a fair bit of control while still supporting a familiar programming language. However, the frameworks, GUI widgets, and development model is different than any other mobile platform out there. That’s where this book comes in.Spanning 466 pages, The Busy Coder’s Guide to Android Development covers a wide range of Android capabilities and APIs, from creating simple user interfaces, to supporting long-running background processes, through the advanced location tracking and mapping features. Along the way, it covers how to embed the WebKit Web browser in your application, how to have your application use data from other installed applications (and vice versa!) or off the Internet, and how to integrate with the built-in on-device search engine. It will help you more quickly climb the Android learning curve, so you can create the “killer app” you’ve dreamed of…or perhaps just a quick-and-dirty application for you and your friends.

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The unveiling of the Android distribution on 5 November 2007 was announced with the founding of the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of 79 hardware, software, and telecom companies devoted to advancing open standards for mobile devices. Google released most of the Android code under the Apache License, a free software and open source license.

The Android operating system software stack consists of Java applications running on a Java-based, object-oriented application framework on top of Java core libraries running on a Dalvik virtual machine featuring JIT compilation. Libraries written in C include the surface manager, OpenCore media framework, SQLite relational database management system, OpenGL ES 2.0 3D graphics API, WebKit layout engine, SGL graphics engine, SSL, and Bionic libc. The Android operating system consists of 12 million lines of code including 3 million lines of XML, 2.8 million lines of C, 2.1 million lines of Java, and 1.75 million lines of C .

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What’s Inside

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This book is written for hobbyists and developers. A background in Java is helpful—no prior experience with Android is assumed.

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Thorough, complete, and useful work on the nuts and bolts of applicatio development in Android
Example driven and practically minded
A tool for hobbyists and professionals who want to create production?quality applications

Best Android Apps

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Professional Android 2 Application Development (2010)

Build unique mobile applications with the latest Android SDK

Written by an Android authority, this up-to-date resource shows you how
to leverage the features of Android 2 to enhance existing products or
create innovative new ones. Serving as a hands-on guide to building
mobile apps using Android, the book walks you through a series of
sample projects that introduces you to Android's new features and techniques.
Using the explanations and examples included in these pages, you'll
acquire the foundation needed to write compelling mobile applications
that use Android, along with the flexibility to quickly adapt to future

Professional Android 2 Application Development:

# Reviews Android as a development platform and?best practices for mobile development
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# Details creating layouts and Views to produce compelling resolution independent user
# Examines Intents and Content Providers for sharing data
# Introduces techniques for creating map-based applications and using location-based
services such as GPS
# Looks at how to create and use background Services, Notifications, and Alarms
# Demonstrates how to create interactive homescreen components
# Explores the Bluetooth, telephony, and networking APIs
# Examines using hardware, including the camera and sensors such as the compass
and accelerometers

Android for Work: Productivity for Professionals

Android is new, Android is open, and Android is fun. It’s also serious about business. Android for Work shows you how to harness the power of Android to stay productive and take your office on the road. This book also sheds light on the often daunting task of finding the right Android phone for the business user.

Whether this is your first smartphone, your first Android smartphone, or your first attempt to make your phone into a productivity tool, Android for Work gets you started. You’ll learn how to manage email and tasks, but you’ll also learn how to weed through the sea of games to find specialized productivity tools for a variety of professions.

For those that are more interested in an enterprise wide deployment, the book includes an appendix of information on administering Android phones, creating custom interfaces, and creating specialized apps for your enterprise. You’ll also learn more about integrating Android with other Google Apps for enterprise.
What you’ll learn

* Select the Android phone that is right for you
* Integrate your work email and calendar tools
* Navigate business trips and meetings with ease
* Find specialized apps for your profession
* Collaborate with coworkers in large and small groups
* Harness the power of Android customization

Who this book is for

This book is for anyone who is considering an Android phone or who has recently purchased one. Whether you are a web designer, writer, medical professional, lawyer, or educator, an Android phone can help you be more productive and finally find a reason for having a phone with a data plan.
Table of Contents

1. Buying and Activating an Android Phone
2. Using Your Phone for the First Time
3. Going Online With Android
4. Android Calling
5. Managing Texting
6. Wrangling Your Email
7. The Calendar
8. Android in a Microsoft World
9. Photos and Video
10. Web Browsing
11. Social Media and Work
12. Maps and Mobile
13. The Remaining Android Apps
14. The Android Market
15. General Business Applications
16. Specialized Apps for Professionals
17. Advanced Customization and Troubleshooting
18. Appendix A Resources Managing Enterprise-Wide Android Deployment
19. Appendix B Resources for Developing Android Apps

The Busy Coder’s Guide to Android Development - Free eBook The Busy Coder’s Guide to Android Development - Download ebook The Busy Coder’s Guide to Android Development free

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