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Android Wireless Application Development (2nd Edition)

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EBook Category Category: Android - Mobile OS

EBook Description: This book delivers all the up-to-date information, tested code, and best practices you need to create and market successful mobile apps with the latest versions of Android. Drawing on their extensive experience with mobile and wireless development, Lauren Darcey and Shane Conder cover every step: concept, design, coding, testing, packaging, and delivery. The authors introduce the Android platform, explain the principles of effective Android application design, and present today�s best practices for crafting effective user interfaces. Next, they offer detailed coverage of each key Android API, including data storage, networking, telephony, location-based services, multimedia, 3D graphics, and hardware. Every chapter of this edition has been updated for the newest Android SDKs, tools, utilities, and hardware. All sample code has been overhauled and tested on leading devices from multiple companies, including HTC, Motorola, and ARCHOS. Many new examples have been added, including complete new applications. This book is an indispensable resource for every member of the Android development team: software developers with all levels of mobile experience, team leaders and project managers, testers and QA specialists, software architects, and even marketers. This new edition also adds * Nine new chapters covering web APIs, the Android NDK, extending application reach, managing users, data synchronization, backups, advanced user input, and more * Greatly expanded coverage of Android manifest files, content providers, app design, and testing * New coverage of hot topics like Bluetooth, gestures, voice recognition, App Widgets, live folders, live wallpapers, and global search * Updated 3D graphics programming coverage reflecting OpenGL ES 2.0 * An all-new chapter on tackling cross-device compatibility issues, from designing for the smallest phones to the big new tablets hitting the market * Even more tips and tricks to help you design, develop, and test applications for different devices * A new appendix full of Eclipse tips and tricks

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About the Author
Frank Ableson is active in the mobile software marketplace, working with leading mobile companies including Handango, Airtime Management, and UnwiredTools.

Charlie Collins is a JEE developer with over 10 years of experience. Charlie is currently a contributor to the Android-Maven project, the GWT-Maven project, the Gwittir GWT framework, and the FeedPod text-to-speech podcasting system.

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Getting started developing with Android is easy. You don�t even need access to an Android phone, just a computer where you can install the Android SDK and the phone emulator that comes with it. Within minutes, �Hello, Android� will get you creating your first working application: Android�s version of �Hello, World.�

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About the Author
Ed Burnette is a software industry veteran with more than 25 years of experience as a programmer, author, and speaker. His development credits include everything from commercial video games to high-performance grid computing systems. Ed is a founding member and senior researcher at the SAS Advanced Computing Lab.

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In his copious spare time, you can often find him playing video games with his two sons at their home in central North Carolina.

Multimobile Development: Building Applications for the iPhone and Android Platforms

You�ve developed a killer app for one mobile device�now it�s time to maximize your intellectual investment and develop for the full spectrum of mobile platforms and devices. With Multimobile Development, you�ll learn how to quickly retool between the iPhone and Android platforms and broaden the interest and audience of your app, without working with burdensome and error-prone compatibility layers and toolkits.

Multimobile Development takes you, the developer, through the same mobile software development project on both platforms, learning the differences between and the relative strengths and weaknesses of each platform as you go. No magic intermediate layers of obfuscation�by the time you get to the end you�ll be an expert at developing for any of the major smartphone platforms using each vendor�s preferred toolset and approach.

Multimobile Development covers the iPhone and Android platforms, two of the hottest mobile device platforms on the market today.

What you�ll learn

How to develop, end-to-end, the same application on iPhone and Android platforms.
The different service architectures available on each platform, concentrating on services related to storage, communications and security.
Key differences in deploying and managing applications on the various platforms.
How to translate experience at developing on one platform to speed development when attempting a project on a different platform.
Plus, stay on top of developments in the mobile application space by visiting the author�s comprehensive resource site at
Who this book is for
Multimobile Development is the essential book for software developers looking to build applications that run natively, without cumbersome compatibility layers and toolkits, on the iPhone and Android platforms.

About the Author
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He also acts a as chief technical officer to Simplehosted, a leading provider of mobile workforce management solutions in the UK. Their solutions are based on Windows Mobile.

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The book is a natural complement to the existing Android documentation provided by Google. Whether you want to develop a commercial application for mobile devices, or just want to create a mobile mashup for personal use, Android Application Development demonstrates how you can design, build, and test applications for the new mobile market.

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Making calls? Playing MP3s? Sending Gmail? Taking pictures? It?s all covered here?one step at a time, in plain English. There?s no faster way to master the great Google tools built into your new phone: calendar, messaging, web browsing, chat, Google Maps, YouTube, you name it!

Want to customize your phone? Here?s how. Need to troubleshoot a problem? No sweat: you?ll find easy, step-by-step directions. Whether you?re using the T-Mobile G1 or another Android-powered smartphone, this book answers all your questions so you can harness the power of Google applications and tools in the palm of your hand.

? Set up your Google Android phone fast!
? Quickly master phone basics, from speakerphone to call waiting
? Transfer contacts from your computer or another phone
? Add new Calendar appointments and reminders
? Make the most of your free Gmail account
? Take photos, and send them instantly to your contacts
? Watch videos and upload them to YouTube
? Find practically anything with Google Search
? Use Google Talk?s handy chat features
? Get directions and traffic info with Google Maps... even use GPS!
? Install new software tools and even start writing your own
? Fix the most common problems with service and hardware

Android Wireless Application Development (2nd Edition) - Free eBook Android Wireless Application Development (2nd Edition) - Download ebook Android Wireless Application Development (2nd Edition) free

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