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Advanced Compositing Workflows with Maya and Toxik

EBook NameAdvanced Compositing Workflows with Maya and Toxik
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Ebook Added On Added On: 4-Mar-2011
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EBook Category Category: Maya

EBook Description: In this series of lessons, we will learn the process of rendering your Maya scene into multiple passes, and using some advanced techniques for compositing these passes using Toxik. We will dedicate the first portion of this course to using Render Passes in Maya to separate various elements of our scene at render time. We�ll use mental ray�s render passes, contribution maps, custom framebuffers, and render layers to create the necessary render passes for our scene. In the second portion of this course we will begin with some quick compositing similar to our Compositing 3D Renders in Toxik course, but we will quickly get into more advanced topics such as Depth-of-Field, working with HDR, Depth-based compositing and spot paint fixing. Lesson Outline (26 lessons)

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