"Building PHP Applications with Symfony, CakePHP, and Zend Framework" |
"Building PHP Applications with Symfony, CakePHP, and Zend Framework"
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Added On: 15-Jul-2011
Download "Building PHP Applications with Symfony, CakePHP, and Zend Framework"
Category: PHP
EBook Description: Web developers have been eager for an impartial comparison of leading PHP frameworks so they can make educated decisions about the most effective tool for their needs. This guide uses Symfony, CakePHP, and Zend Framework to solve key problems, providing source code examples and comparisons for each. It explains the approach and reviews the similarities and differences in the three frameworks, providing reliable information on which to base your decisions.
Symfony, CakePHP, and Zend Framework are considered the leading PHP frameworks; developers need an unbiased comparison to choose which one works best for their individual situations
This guide uses each framework to solve the same problems, illustrating the solutions with source code examples and working applications
Covers wide range of topics, from installation and configuration to most advanced features like AJAX, web services and automated testing.
Includes an appendix of new PHP frameworks, including CodeIgniter, Lithium, and Agavi
Bestselling PHP author Elizabeth Naramore serves as technical editor
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Both beginning users, who want a thorough introduction to the technology, and more intermediate users, who are looking for a convenient reference, will find what they need here�in straightforward language and through readily accessible examples.
"Building PHP Applications with Symfony, CakePHP, and Zend Framework"
The first detailed, unbiased comparison of the three leading PHP frameworks
Web developers have been eager for an impartial comparison of leading PHP frameworks so they can make educated decisions about the most effective tool for their needs. This guide uses Symfony, CakePHP, and Zend Framework to solve key problems, providing source code examples and comparisons for each. It explains the approach and reviews the similarities and differences in the three frameworks, providing reliable information on which to base your decisions. Symfony, CakePHP, and Zend Framework are considered the leading PHP frameworks; developers need an unbiased comparison to choose which one works best for their individual situations This guide uses each framework to solve the same problems, illustrating the solutions with source code examples and working applications Covers wide range of topics, from installation and configuration to most advanced features like AJAX, web services and automated testing. Includes an appendix of new PHP frameworks, including CodeIgniter, Lithium, and Agavi Bestselling PHP author Elizabeth Naramore serves as technical editor
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Both beginning users, who want a thorough introduction to the technology, and more intermediate users, who are looking for a convenient reference, will find what they need here�in straightforward language and through readily accessible examples
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HTML / CSS, Web Development, JavaScript, PHP
This book enables readers to quickly develop a working knowledge of HTML, javascript and PHP. The text emphasizes a hands-on approach to learning and makes extensive use of examples. A detailed science, engineering, or mathematics background is not required to understand the material, making the book ideally suitable for self-study or an introductory course in programming. Features: describes the creation and use of HTML documents; presents fundamental concepts of client-side and server-side programming languages; examines javascript and PHP implementation of arrays, built-in and user-defined methods and functions, math capabilities, and input processing with HTML forms; extends programming fundamentals to include reading and writing server-based files, command-line interfaces, and an introduction to GD graphics; appendices include a brief introduction to using a �pseudocode� approach to organizing solutions to computing problems; includes a Glossary and an extensive set of programming exercises.
Workshops PHP
Fortgeschrittene PHP-Entwickler kommen bei diesem Video-Training auf Ihre Kosten! Sascha Kersken und Bastian Feder, beide erfahrene Entwickler, sprechen direkt aus der Praxis und erlautern Funktionen wie Namespaces, Lambda Functions und Closures genauso wie Best Practices der objektorientierten PHP-Entwicklung oder die Arbeit mit Design Patterns. Der zweite gro?e Block widmet sich den Unit Tests mit dem Framework PHPUnit. Abgerundet wird dieses Video-Training durch eine genauere Betrachtung von phpDocumentor, denn nur gut dokumentierter Code ist wirklich guter Code. Einige Beispiele fur diesesTraining sind komplett neu geschrieben, um bestimmte Punkte zu unterstreichen, andere stammen aus realen Open-Source-Projekten: FluentDOM, eine Implementierung von jQuery in PHP zur Verarbeitung von XML-bzw. HTML-Dokumenten und das Web-Content-Management-System papaya CMS. Die Workshops sind gro?tenteils als interaktive Gesprachssituation gestaltet und erhalten dadurch Live-Charakter
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Aller Anfang ist schwer - und gerade fur Autodidakten ist es haufig muhsam, die Grundlagen des Programmierens zu erlernen. Daher haben wir dieses Video-Training speziell auf die Bedurfnisse von Programmier-Einsteigern zugeschnitten. Unser Trainer Benjamin Bischoff zeigt Ihnen Schritt fur Schritt, wie Sie sich in PHP ausdrucken und mit Webserver und Datenbank kommunizieren. Alle Codebeispiele werden live erlautert und kommentiert. So erfahren Sie ganz nebenbei auch, was zwischen den Zeilen steht und in Buchern muhsam selbst erarbeitet werden muss.
PHP 5.3 und MySQL 5.1
Aller Anfang ist schwer - und gerade fur Autodidakten ist es haufig muhsam, die Grundlagen des Programmierens zu erlernen. Daher haben wir dieses Video-Training speziell auf die Bedurfnisse von Programmier-Einsteigern zugeschnitten. Unser Trainer Benjamin Bischoff zeigt Ihnen Schritt fur Schritt, wie Sie sich in PHP ausdrucken und mit Webserver und Datenbank kommunizieren. Alle Codebeispiele werden live erlautert und kommentiert. So erfahren Sie ganz nebenbei auch, was zwischen den Zeilen steht und in Buchern muhsam selbst erarbeitet werden muss.[b]Screenshot
Workshops PHP
Fortgeschrittene PHP-Entwickler kommen bei diesem Video-Training auf Ihre Kosten! Sascha Kersken und Bastian Feder beide erfahrene Entwickler sprechen direkt aus der Praxis und erlautern Funktionen wie Namespaces Lambda Functions und Closures genauso wie Best Practices der objektorientierten PHP-Entwicklung oder die Arbeit mit Design Patterns. Der zweite gro?e Block widmet sich den Unit Tests mit dem Framework PHPUnit.Abgerundet wird dieses Video-Training durch eine genauere Betrachtung von phpDocumentor denn nur gut dokumentierter Code ist wirklich guter Code. Einige Beispiele fur dieses Training sind komplett neu geschrieben um bestimmte Punkte zu unterstreichen andere stammen aus realen Open-Source-Projekten: FluentDOM eine Implementierung von jQuery in PHP zur Verarbeitung von XML-bzw. HTML-Dokumenten und das Web-Content-Management-System papaya CMS. Die Workshops sind gro?tenteils als interaktive Gesprachssituation gestaltet und erhalten dadurch Live-Charakter from wupload
Join FileSonic Premium & get unlimited download only 9$ ! Guide to HTML, JavaScript and PHP: For Scientists and Engineers
This book enables readers to quickly develop a working knowledge of HTML, JavaScript and PHP. The text emphasizes a hands-on approach to learning and makes extensive use of examples. A detailed science, engineering, or mathematics background is not required to understand the material, making the book ideally suitable for self-study or an introductory course in programming. Features: describes the creation and use of HTML documents; presents fundamental concepts of client-side and server-side programming languages; examines JavaScript and PHP implementation of arrays, built-in and user-defined methods and functions, math capabilities, and input processing with HTML forms; extends programming fundamentals to include reading and writing server-based files, command-line interfaces, and an introduction to GD graphics; appendices include a brief introduction to using a �pseudocode� approach to organizing solutions to computing problems; includes a Glossary and an extensive set of programming exercises.
From the Back Cover HTML, JavaScript, and PHP are Web-based programming languages that can be used to solve computational problems in an online environment.
This easy-to-read, informative guide/reference will enable readers to quickly develop a working knowledge of HTML, JavaScript and PHP � a valuable skill for any scientist or engineer. Updating and expanding upon the author�s previous Springer titles, An Introduction to HTML and JavaScript and An Introduction to PHP, the text emphasizes a hands-on approach to learning and makes extensive use of examples throughout the book. A detailed science, engineering, ormathematics background is not required to understand the material, making the book ideally suitable for self-study or an introductory course in programming.
"Building PHP Applications with Symfony, CakePHP, and Zend Framework" - Free eBook "Building PHP Applications with Symfony, CakePHP, and Zend Framework" - Download ebook "Building PHP Applications with Symfony, CakePHP, and Zend Framework" free