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Adobe Flash Professional CS5 5 New Features

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EBook Description: In Flash Professional CS5.5 New Features, author Todd Perkins demonstrates key changes in the CS5.5 release of Adobes interactive design and animation software. This course covers workflow improvements, enhanced ActionScript features (including new code snippets for AIR and several mobile frameworks), file optimization techniques, and extended support for Android and iOS app development in AIR.

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Advanced Flash Professional8

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Become a pro with ActionScript by watching interactive, work-along lessons that walk you through the necessary steps of using the built-in classes, new objects, or making your own custom classes and components. You�ll also learn the new advanced features of Flash Pro 8 that are only available to ActionScript users including the Drawing API, Bitmap API, and the matrix transformations and displacements. Plus, you�ll get a preview of how to use ActionScript in development of mobile applications.
* Learn how to use event handlers to associate ActionScript code with a particular object and event. For example, when a user clicks a button on the Stage, you might advance the playhead to the next frame.
* Discover how to use Custom Classes to create a small application in Flash. Your classes compile into the SWF file when you publish the document, allowing everything to work together.
* Use the Custom Component Live Preview in the authoring environment to see what a component will look like when it is active in the presentation.
* Understand how to collect data about color transformations and coordinate transformations with Transform Class.
* Dive into one of the most significant additions to Flash Player 8, bitmap caching. This feature gives you the power to greatly increase the speed at which large amounts of objects are updated and drawn onto the Stage by the renderer.

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Learn how to unleash your creative potential with advanced tutorials on the industry's most advanced authoring environment for creating interactive websites. You will learn scripting basics and then dive into how ActionScript works and how and where to include it in your applications.

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Galileo Design - Adobe Flash CS4: Das umfassende Training

Adobe Flash CS3 : ActionScript 3 UI & Data

Explore new territories in the land of data handling and user interface (UI) design with ActionScript 3 language in Flash CS3. With John Ulliman as your guide this video series provides plenty of hands-on experience as you learn how to design a typical shopping application handle external graphic data and learn how to draw and manipulate graphs and display text data. You'll also look at different types of data and how to load and use them in your Flash applications and discover how to use the new Component elements in Flash CS3.

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Description : A Flash-heavy web site can really get viewers� attention, but if the right people can�t find the site, it won�t make any difference. In Flash CS4 Professional: Building Search Engine Friendly Sites, Todd Perkins dispels the belief that Flash content hampers SEO. He shows how to use HTML, javascript, and PHP to optimize applications and incorporate text that is easy for search engines to find and accurately represents a site�s Flash content. Exercise files accompany the course.

Building Websites in Flash CS4

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Flash Mobile: Developing Android and iOS Applications

Build rich media applications for the iOS and Android platforms with this primer to Flash mobile development. You get all of the essentials-from setting up your development environment to publishing your apps to the Google Market Place/Apple iTunes App Store.
Develop elementary applications without coding; then realize the power of ActionScript 3 to add rich complexity to your applications. Step-by-step instruction is combined with practical tutorial lessons to deliver a working understanding of the development stages including:
*Rapid prototyping *Adding interactivity, audio, and video *Employing iOS and Android Interface Calls *Hardware optimization with AIR *Game development; game engines, controlling physics, and 3D *Designing for iPad, Android tablets, and Google TV *Code optimization, testing, and debugging

User interfaces are presented in full color to illustrate their nuances. The companion website, www.visualizetheweb/flashmobile, includes all of the AS3 code, project files, and a blog to keep you up to date with related news and developments.

World Flash Game Development

Your deadline just got moved up. Your artist has never worked with Flash before. Your inner programmer is telling you that no OOP is a big Oops! Any Flash developer can share similar tales of woe. This book breaks down the process of Flash game development into simple, approachable steps. Never heard of a game loop before? No idea what a design pattern is? No problem! Chris Griffith gives you real-world expertise, and real-world code that you can use in your own games. Griffith has been building games in Flash long enough to know what works and what doesn't. He shows you what you need to know to get the job done.
Griffith covers Flash for the everyday developer. The average Flash developer doesn't have luxurious timelines, employers who understand the value of reusability, or the help of an information architect to design a usable experience. This book helps bridge the gap for these coders who may be used to C++, Java, or C# and want to move over to Flash. Griffith covers real-world scenarios pulled from his own experiences developing games for over 10 years in the industry.
The 2nd edition will include: completely new game examples on more advanced topics like 3D; more robust physics and collision detection; and mobile device coverage with Android platform development for us on phones and tablets. Also coverage of the new features available in Flash CS5, Flash Player 10.1, and AIR 2.0 that can be used for game development. The associated web site for the book: gets close to 1,000 visits a month. On the site, readers can find all the source code for the examples, news on industry happenings, updates and special offers, and a discussion forum to ask questions and share ideas.
Teaches Flash users the most effective ways to leverage Flash as a game development tool. Concrete, relatable approaches to Flash game development.
Covers ALL the aspects that come into play when developing a game in Flash, including art, animation, scripting, and optimization. Provides sound strategies, and realistic goals for success - with REAL-WORLD examples and code included so that programmers become quickly empowered to make their own Flash games.

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