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Networking Technologies

EBook NameNetworking Technologies
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EBook Category Category: Networking

EBook Description: The 103 revised full papers and 40 revised short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 539 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on network security; TCP performance; ad-hoc networks; wavelength management; multicast; wireless network performance; inter-domain routing; packet classification and scheduling; services and monitoring; admission control; competition in networks; 3G/4G wireless systems; MPLS and related technologies; flow and congestion control; performance of IEEE 802.11; optical networks; TCP and congestion; key management; authentication and DOS prevention; energy aspects of wireless networks; optical network access; routing in ad-hoc networks; fault detection, restoration, and tolerance; QoS metrics, algorithms, and architecture; content distribution, caching, and replication; and routing theory and path computation.

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you can put to work today!

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Multimedia over IP and Wireless Networks

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Understanding Networking 1

Get up to speed and fill the gaps on telecom, datacom, networking, IP, MPLS, Voice over IP and wireless at your own pace. Teracom's DVD video training courses are high-quality multimedia productions featuring the instructor, extensive animated graphics and point-by-point bullets. Like private lessons from the Director of the Institute! Our top instructor Eric Coll talks to you directly via the camera, using his vast experience and acclaimed ability to explain key concepts, mainstream technologies and how it all fits together - in plain English.

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A network will make your life easier, and Home Networking All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies makes it easier to create one. It shows you how to choose the right hardware, add user accounts, get different operating systems to work together, secure your network, exchange files, add wireless devices, and even use Wi-Fi out in public.
Seven individual, self-contained minibooks cover:

What a network will do for you, including a low-tech explanation of how it works
Choosing a network type that will work best for your needs, and planning what equipment youll need
Installing and configuring your computers and networking gear
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Youll even find troubleshooting tips to help find and fix common problems. Home Networking All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies will be your personal network assista

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And while the initial focus in wireless networking has been on communication and sensing, a new field has emerged that uses the same communication channel for enabling network control, which leads to several interesting issues and possibilities not typically covered in traditional wire based network control.
Wireless Network Based Control? discusses those interesting issues and possibilities, both the theory and application relevant to them, focusing on the core theme of control using wireless network and control of the information exchanged over the wireless network. It covers many topics including, but not limited to, the following: Robust stabilization of wireless network control systems in the presence of delays, packet drop out, fading; state estimation over wireless network under random measurement delay; cyber physical control over wireless sensor and actuator networks; estimation of a dynamical system over a wireless fading channel using Kalman filter; control over wireless multi hop networks based on time delay and finite spectrum assignment; position localization in wireless sensor networks; cross layer optimized based protocols for control over wireless sensor networks; rendezvous problems and consensus protocols for application in control of distributed mobile wireless networks; redeployment control of mobile sensors for enhancing wireless network quality and channel capacity; and coordinated control over low frequency radio based ad hoc underwater wireless communication network. Timely and unique, this collection of work from top researchers is a seminal text in this rapidly growing field.
Table of contents
Joint optimization of wireless control communication network.
Robust stabilization of wired and wireless packet based networked control systems.
Rendezvous problem and consensus protocols.
Decentralized control of networked autonomous vehicles, theory and implementation.
Analysis, design, and application of 802.11 wireless feedback control.
Stability of wireless networked control systems in the presence of delays and packet dropouts.
Consensus based overlapping decentralized estimation and control in lossy networks.
Control scalability in the presence of channel interference.
Wireless nodal architecture based on software defined and cognitive radio concepts for enhanced network capacity based distributed control.
Distributed crosslayer delay optimization for network control.
Wireless communication architecture for the active aircraft.
Distributed control of interactive power network over wireless information network.
Wireless network control for industrial automation.
Additional topics

Multimedia over IP and Wireless Networks

This all-inclusive, expertly structured contributed volume will serve as an indispensable guide for professionals or researchers working in areas like networking, communications, data compression, multimedia processing, streaming architectures, and computer graphics. Beginning with a concise overview of the fundamental principles and challenges of multimedia communication and networking, this book then branches off organically to tackle compression and networking next before moving on to systems, wireless multimedia and more advanced topics.

Multimedia over IP and Wireless Networks: Compression, Networking, and Systems

This all-inclusive, expertly structured contributed volume will serve as an indispensable guide for professionals or researchers working in areas like networking, communications, data compression, multimedia processing, streaming architectures, and computer graphics. Beginning with a concise overview of the fundamental principles and challenges of multimedia communication and networking, this book then branches off organically to tackle compression and networking next before moving on to systems, wireless multimedia and more advanced topics.

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