A Tcl Implementation in Java
Java Command Language, is a version of the Tcl [1] scripting language for the Java [2] environment. Jacl is designed to be a universal scripting language for Java: the Jacl interpreter is written completely in Java and can run on any Java Virtual Machine. Jacl can be used to create Web content or to control Java applications
Portable Tools for Performance Analysis
lmbench is a micro-benchmark suite designed to focus attention on the basic building blocks of many common system applications, such as databases, simulations, software development, and networking.
A Frequently Redundant Array of Independent Disks
Disk arrays are commonly designed to ensure that stored data will always be able to withstand a disk failure, but meeting this goal comes at a significant cost in performance. We show that this is unnecessary. By trading away a fraction of the enormous reliability provided by disk arrays, it is possible to achieve performance that is almost as good as a non-parity-protected set of disks.
A Comparison of FFS Disk Allocation Policies
The 4.4BSD file system includes a new algorithm for allocating disk blocks to files. The goal of this algorithm is to improve file clustering, increasing the amount of sequential I/O when reading or writing files, thereby improving file system performance. In this paper we study the effectiveness of this algorithm at reducing file system fragmentation
Lessons from the Neighborhood Viewer: Building Innovative Collaborative Applications in Tcl and Tk
This paper discusses the development in Tk of a collaborative browser for scientific image databases. The browser, known as the ``neighborhood viewer,'' allows groups of neuroscientists to explore systematically a large collection of brain images.
Automatic Compiler-Inserted I/O Prefetching for Out-Of-Core Applications
In this paper, we propose and evaluate a fully-automatic technique which liberates the programmer from this task, provides high performance, and requires only minimal changes to current operating systems.
Safe Kernel Extensions Without Run-Time Checking
This paper describes a mechanism by which an operating system kernel can determine with certainty that it is safe to execute a binary supplied by an untrusted source.
Autoconf Tutorial
Introduction to programming using GNU's autoconf system. Autoconf simplifies the porting process and provides a consistent build interface for system administrators.
Unix Programming Frequently Asked Questions
This FAQ was originally begun by Patrick Horgan in May 1996; I took it over after it had been lying idle for several months. I've reorganised it a bit and added some stuff; I still regard it as `under development'. Comments, suggestions, additions, corrections etc. should be sent to the maintainer at.
Programming UNIX Sockets in C - Frequently Asked Questions
This is a list of frequently asked questions, with answers about programming TCP/IP applications in unix with the sockets interface.
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