Single stage Amplifiers
Contents: 1. Amplifier fundamentals 2. Common�source amplifier 3. Common�source amplifier with current�source suppl
Frequency Response of Common source Amplifier
Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Intrinsic frequency response of MOSFET 3. Frequency response of common�source amplifier 4. Miller effect
Miller Effect, Open circuit Time Constant Technique
Contents: 1. Open�circuit time�constant technique 2. Application of OCT to common�source amplifier 3. Frequency response of common�gate amplifier
Frequency Response of other Amplifier Stages
Contents: 1. Frequency response of common-drain amplifier 2. Cascode Amplifier
Analog Electronics Lecture Notes
This is the web page for ECE 3050 Analog Electronics, taught by Dr. W. Marshall Leach, Jr.
Basic Analog and Digital Student Guide (PDF 176p)
Digital simply means represented by digits. Think about how many times each day you encounter analog values that are represented with digits. The temperature is 79.8 degrees. The speed limit is 45 miles per hour, etc. Not surprisingly, digital electronics represents values with digits.
The Pros and Cons of Amplifier Design
C an an amp put out more power than a �wall socket� can deliver? I have encountered this discussion numerous times. It is a fairly complex issue that even some fairly decent technicians don�t understand. The simple FACT is that you cannot get more power out of an amplifier (CONTINUOUSLY) than the wall socket can provide! No power amp is 100% efficient, but the situation with peak and/ or music power is quite a bit different than average power or what most people refer to as RMS (root mean square) power.
Basic Amplifier Circuits Lecture Notes
Basic Amplifier Circuits Lecture Notes.
Data Converter Overview DACs and ADCs (PDF 21p)
About the need for Data Converters.
Basics of Analog to Digital Converters (PDF 22p)
Basics of Analog to Digital Converters.
Designing Analog Chips (Hans Camenzind PDF 242p) - Free eBook Designing Analog Chips (Hans Camenzind PDF 242p) - Download ebook Designing Analog Chips (Hans Camenzind PDF 242p) free